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DIY:make your own scented candle, the manual activity that has it all!

Crochet, embroidery, jewelry, you are the queen of DIY and Christmas approaching you are tempted to invade your interior with scented candles to create a warm atmosphere .

Candles and DIY, the winning combo that is sure to please

Manual activities are all good at the moment because they occupy our hands (at least we don't nibble...), our mind, improve our creativity and make it possible to embellish our interior easily with next to nothing. TheDo It Yourself also offers the advantage of entertaining the whole family and having a friendly moment around a common activity.

The candle is the queen of our little cocoon since in addition to giving a warm and cocooning atmosphere to our apartment when the temperatures drop, it subtly illuminates and smells rooms with sweet scents.

And then the good news is that it makes a great gift idea for Christmas that you can personalize with a funny label or even your mum's favorite scents.

How to make your own candles?

Before you start making your candles , make sure you have at home the essential element for their manufacture, namely wax; yes, it's fine to want to play the serial queen of DIY, but you still have to have the equipment!

I see you coming, you will soon find yourself faced with a difficult choice of knowing which wax to choose because you don't know much about it; Don't panic, we'll give you the answer on a plate!
You have the choice, various types of waxes exist and have their advantages and disadvantages. paraffin has the great advantage of being very easy to use with dyes or essential oils, it is easy to perfume; however it tends to burn out quickly and is unfortunately made from petroleum… Ouch!
Natural waxes such as beeswax or soy burn longer, are less harmful but have more difficulty soaking up colors and smells… Ouïlle!

We have another solution to offer you that will avoid this sacred dilemma…:what if you take advantage of this DIY workshop to upcycle and thus use the remains of your old candles; we are sure that you have a good number of them lying around in the back of a cupboard and just waiting to be used again.

Are you ready this time? Perfect, so you need :

– Wax (paraffin, beeswax, soy wax or salvaged from old candles)
– Candle wicks
– Heat-resistant containers (metal, glass, porcelain)
– Essential oils to perfume
– Optional:Oil-based dyes
– Newspaper so as not to damage your surfaces
– A saucepan and a glass container for the bain-marie
– A spatula

For the recipe, we let you follow the steps!

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