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Christmas:decorating your house (very) early would make you happy

November is coming to an end soon and for some people the festive season has begun. If light garlands already adorn your balcony or the facade of your house and the fir tree sparkles in a corner of the living room, then you contribute – without necessarily knowing it – to your own happiness. According to the English psychoanalyst Steve McKeown, decorating one's home "prematurely" (the notion is relative to everyone) helps to spread the enthusiasm aroused by Christmas, in part because one finds pleasant sensations specific to childhood. “While there are many symptomatic reasons that lead someone to put out the decorations early in the year, it is often related to nostalgia:either to relive the magic, or to compensate with a form of negligence in the past. In a world characterized by stress and anxiety, people like to rest on things that make them happy, and Christmas decorations evoke these strong childhood memories “, explains the professional to the site Unilad .

The impression of a “friendly” home

He adds that it's a way to reconnect with the "magical excitement" typical of the first years of our lives, when we were still free from all responsibility. Getting into the holiday spirit is also a way to remember the ties we had with those who left us, family or friends, and to feel more peaceful and more stable in general. But that's not all:the garlands and other lights that we have outside our homes would also reinforce the community feeling because they would give the impression of a more "friendly and friendly" home. Your neighbors are likely to like you more, in short. Well, it makes you want to bring out the Christmas boots to place on the fireplace and the candles with the effigy of snowmen, all that... And you, when is your ideal time to officially launch the festivities?