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Christmas:8 tips you absolutely need to know to make your tree last throughout the holidays

One of the coolest traditions around Christmas time is the Christmas tree! It brings freshness, greenery and light into the house thanks to all its decorations, for the pleasure of young and old alike! If the practical aspect of choosing a fake one is rather tempting, some still prefer to opt for a natural fir tree, which brings a good smell throughout the living room (right?!) So, to keep it as long as possible and preserve the Christmas magic (even after returning to work), here are some very useful tips.

Christmas tree maintenance:beware of thermal shock!

The selection of the fir tree is first of all very important to preserve it for a long time. For example, spruce (the most traditional) is often preferred for its fragrance but lasts 2 to 3 times less than Nordmann (which can last up to 8 weeks if well maintained). The tree is a living being, and once at home, a few simple rules must also be followed to ensure its good health. First, it should not be placed against a heat zone, such as a fireplace or a radiator, to limit the thermal shock it already undergoes once installed (and it's dangerous too). It therefore needs to be placed in a (relatively) cool but also bright place, to best reproduce its natural living conditions.

Christmas tree maintenance:decorations yes, but no excess!

We also think of watering it regularly and spraying its branches with fresh water every day. For those who do not have a tree in a pot, you can also place it on a sandbox or cover its foot with pebbles that will be moistened afterwards. Finally, do not overload your branches with decorations so as not to weigh them down too much or break them. After the holidays, think of the 100% biodegradable Christmas tree bag offered by the NGO Handicap International in all supermarkets at a price of €5 (of which a minimum of €1.50 is donated to the NGO).