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Your own space at home. How do you create that?

The more we are at home, the more we long for our own space. Sometimes you just need to be alone for a while. And in these times of a lot of working from home and limitations, the hour of being alone is becoming increasingly scarce. Do you have room for an extra room? Claim it quickly!

The layout

The right furniture and lamps suit every hobby. Depending on what you want in the room, you can decorate it. A nice chair if you want to read undisturbed, accompanied by a good reading lamp. A desk for the sewing machine. A bed with a sunbed above it. A space where you can be completely zen with soft lighting. Or a tool wall for the handyman where lighting with fluorescent tubes is more in the direction of the desired.

Inside or outside?

If you don't have the space inside, you can also look outside at the possibilities. Not everyone has spare square meters in their garden, but if you do, then you're a real bargain. Who does not look with envy at an otherwise man cave or garden house with possibilities? Why not take the plunge and make something similar in your own backyard?

Work and private life

Even now that we have to work from home more and more, having our own space is very handy. Many people just don't get used to doing everything in a few square meters. Sleeping, eating, working and hobbies, we do everything under our own roof. If you don't have an office, things often get mixed up in terms of work and private life. How nice is it to have your own place, where you can work undisturbed, separate from the rest of your family?

Time to yourself

Escaping the order of the day is something we should do more often. By going out or by taking the time to ourselves. But to be honest, that is not always possible. As a parent, you know that the children depend on you and you cannot abandon them. Therefore, make good agreements with each other; when are you there for the children and when can you let it go. It makes you all happier.