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5 good reasons to own your own home

5 good reasons to own your own home

Whether by buying an existing home or building a house, becoming a homeowner is the dream of the majority of French people.

First, because it is often the culmination of a deep desire to finally be able to really choose your ideal home, but also because owning your home is synonymous with financial security for your future. If you are still hesitating to take the plunge, here are our 5 good reasons to become a homeowner.

Making a profitable and safe investment

Becoming the owner of your house is always the guarantee of not throwing your money out the window. Investments in real estate, with rare exceptions, ensure that the capital paid in at the time of purchase grows.

The purchase of a house rhymes with building up a heritage that is rightfully yours in the event of the resale of your home. Especially since reselling your house usually generates a capital gain, that is to say a gain between the value of the sale of your property and its acquisition value.

Becoming the owner of your house also means having the assurance of being able to pass on property and heritage to your children or your heirs at the time of your succession.

Being able to choose your ideal home

When you are a tenant, you are limited in the personalization of your accommodation. Rules must be respected concerning its layout in particular. A tenant has limited rights in this regard.

Conversely, becoming the owner of your home, whether new or old, means having the opportunity to really choose the home of your dreams. In relation to its location first, but also in terms of interior layout (area, number of rooms, etc.), and exterior.

Once the purchase of a house has been made, you are completely free to make changes to the layout of your home (extension, creation of an open kitchen, a mezzanine, etc.) if it is a an old dwelling in particular. And it is also the possibility of giving complete freedom to your imagination in terms of decoration.

Ensuring a serene future

Becoming the owner of your house is also synonymous with serenity about your future. Once the loans are repaid, your purchasing power is immediately revalued. A comfortable situation, especially when you reach retirement age and you see your income drop. No longer having to bear financial costs for accommodation is certainly an asset when one's economic situation becomes unstable. Being the owner of your house is therefore a strong guarantee of financial security.

Take advantage of financial aid for home ownership

To promote access to property, the public authorities have set up aid to finance the acquisition of housing. Becoming the owner of your house allows you, depending on the conditions of each of these aids, to benefit from these significant financial boosts when you undertake to buy your home.

Loans with attractive interest rates are also made available to future owners. Let us cite, for example, the “Housing action loan” (previously called the 1% housing loan) which employees of certain private sector companies can benefit from. Or even very attractive loans that certain local authorities or certain supplementary pension funds can grant for the acquisition of new or old housing.

Ensure fixed housing expenses

Becoming a homeowner also gives you the opportunity to better manage your housing expenses. In particular those which weigh the most and which are linked to the repayment of the mortgage contracted for the purchase of his house. These are indeed fixed in time since their amount is defined according to a schedule determined when signing your loan.

You have no surprises on the amount to be paid each month, unlike rent which can increase at any time. This long-term financial visibility should not be overlooked at a time when the general economic situation is far from stable and reassuring.