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Nature:flower artist decorates statues in Brussels [Slide]

Geoffroy Mottart, a florist and professor of floral art from Forest, in the Brussels region, had a funny idea that was very charming to say the least. The man undertook to give a second life to the statues that populate the green spaces of the Belgian capital by adorning them with imposing and colorful floral compositions. His thing is sculptures that blend into the mass, that we no longer notice because they have deteriorated or simply for lack of interest. And his art aims precisely to restore all their majestic dimension to these bodies and busts crossed at the bend of a park.

Fuchsia, pale pink, yellow…

I realized that more and more people pass by these testimonies of another time without taking the trouble to observe what is part of our cultural heritage […] These ephemeral interventions are for me like a nod to the past, a way of demonstrating that we can still be surprised, intrigued, charmed by what constitutes our decor “, he explains on his site. And indeed, the professional's efforts pay off:it's hard not to notice the statues transformed with talent, thanks to a new hairstyle and/or an imposing beard, sometimes made up of fuchsia pink or lighter, sometimes reminiscent of spring with warm colors like yellow or orange.

Real touches of cheerfulness sprinkled here and there that will not fail to warm the hearts of the people of Brussels. We love ! When is a little tour in French cities?