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A restaurant spends 60,000 euros on its Christmas decoration

If you are a fan of American Christmas TV movies because they illustrate a very traditional Christmas spirit, with these houses better decorated than the Disneyland park (hey, we know how to do it in France too!), the following should help you. to please. It is undoubtedly the most decorated restaurant in the world during the holiday season, and for good reason, its owner spends each year between… 60,000 and 65,000 dollars (between 57,000 and 62,000 euros) to make place a unique space in the world! Rolf's German Restaurant is located in Manhattan, New York. This intriguing and confusing tradition was established by the former owner, but the current master of the place, Suhul Uddin, assures us:the decor is improved from year to year. And we want to believe it when we know that the installation of the decorations required six men who worked every night for six weeks!

A queue of visitors to the corner of the street

But what could be inside for that amount? It's simple:100,000 lights, 15,000 ornaments of all kinds, thousands of (fake) stalactites and 800 dolls (no, we're not necessarily enthusiastic about this last element either). And the result, although a bit loaded (no kidding), is magical! Suhul Uddin told Business Insider that each element of the damaged decor was replaced, which explains the astronomical budget mentioned above. The restaurant remains decorated like this for almost 8 months, from September to April, so that as many people as possible can enjoy it (it's not too late to take your ticket to the Big Apple!). “We receive several hundred calls from foreigners for reservations every year. We can't accommodate everyone, but we do our best says the owner, adding that in December people line up around the corner to visit Rolf’s German.

Of course, the menu reflects the image of the establishment:eggnog, mulled wine and many Christmas cocktails are served throughout the season. And after, then? All decorations are removed and stored in a location in Brooklyn. Until next year ! Would you like a little visit to Santa's bar?

To see more photos, it's here!