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Trend:the Christmas tree made of empty wine bottles

After the Halloween tree, the novelty of October, here is another trendy Christmas tree this time! Exit the conventional tree, make way for the tree made of wine bottles! Merlot lovers now have an alternative to traditional recycling, since they can keep dozens of empty bottles (we advise you to start now…) which will be used to recreate the branches of a more than original Christmas tree.

Bottlenecks up or down

How do we do ? Looking closely at the creations of restaurateurs and private individuals, the bottles of wine, necks down, come to rest on a solid structure equipped with "spikes" capable of holding them in place. Having a blacksmith friend can help… Others just form circles with the bottles, on which they put a support that comes to support the upper row, and so on. The final touch:small LED bulbs placed here and there give a beautiful green color to the work. Tadaaa!

We do not recommend the idea to those who have children and animals, but we must admit, the result is rather pretty to look at!