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5 Advent calendars to make yourself

The 100% kindness calendar

For who ? For Chéri, mum, dad or even our best friend.

Material:sheets + a pen + 24 small cardboard boxes (you can find them on Aliexpress, for example).

The principle:

1/ We cut 24 small pieces of 8 centimeters by 6 in the sheets of paper. On each one, we write a little note (sweet for Chéri, kind for the parents or our BFF).

2/ We number the little boxes from 1 to 24 and we slip a little word into each of them. That should be fun!

The 100% happiness calendar

For who ? For us… or for our best friend.

Material:mini-envelopes + the kit 100 grams of happiness to infuse into your daily life , First editions, €7.95 + a shoebox.

The principle:

1/ We number the small envelopes from 1 to 24

2/ In each of them, we hide a mini-book from the kit on happiness (it's practical, it contains 24!).

3/ We place the small envelopes in a decorated shoe box (or a cardboard box), so that it is more practical to draw every day.

The 100% gourmet calendar

For who ? A child.

Material:a felt Christmas boot (for example at Tati) + sweets (individually wrapped) or cakes.

The principle:

1/ It's super simple:every morning, we hide a delicacy in the boot, until December 24!

The 100% memories calendar

For who ? Everyone!

Material:kraft pouches (like those available at Mes Petits Packagings) + photos + a wicker basket.

The principle:

1/ We select 24 photos related to the person to whom we wish to offer the calendar and we have them developed in Polaroid format (from 39 cts per photo at Photobox).

2/ We place a photo in each pocket, accompanied by a short note to tell the memory.

3/ Number the pockets and place them in a wicker basket (or box).

The 100% DIY calendar

For who ? A little girl.

Material:sheets of Canson paper + something to make a necklace (24 elements including thread + beads + clasp) + thread + 24 mini Advent calendar clothespins (on Creavea for example).


1/ In the Canson sheets, we cut rectangles of 5 cm x 7 cm. We fold them on themselves, so as to form small cones that we close with a dot of glue or tape.

2/ We distribute the 24 elements of the necklace in the cones (with the clasp for December 24).

3/ Attach the wire to the wall and hang the small cones using the mini clothespins numbered from 1 to 24. There you go!