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Smoke detectors for dummies!

1. "Every room needs one" FALSE
The minimum required by the law of February 5, 2013 is one smoke detector per dwelling.

2. "You need them on all floors" TRUE
Admittedly, it is not mandatory to have several detectors in the same dwelling, but highly recommended for dwellings on several levels.

3."Smoke detectors:it's a question of surface area" TRUE
One smoke detector is enough for an area of ​​80m2, beyond that you must put two detectors per level.

4. "Insurance penalizes if you don't have one" FALSE
Being equipped with a detector is mandatory but insurance does not penalize either if you don't have one. However, as soon as the detector is installed, you must inform your insurer. Moreover, the insurance can however offer an interesting offer in return for the installation of a smoke detector.

5. "Insurance does not reimburse if there are no smoke detectors" FALSE
In case of fire, (if subscription to this guarantee) the accommodation will be covered and compensated in the same way, smoke detector or not.

6. "Do not install a detector in the bathroom or kitchen" TRUE
Water vapor can trigger detectors! In order not to trigger the alarm unnecessarily, the device must be installed on the ceiling (or at least in height) in the corridor leading to the bedrooms.

7. "I live in a small apartment, I am not concerned" FALSE
All accommodation is affected by this reform, whether new or old, all must be equipped with smoke detectors. So housing size is no exception!

8. "I'm a tenant, my landlord pays" TRUE
By law, the landlord pays for the installation of the detector.

9. "I change the battery of the detector every month" FALSE
Changing the battery of the detector is done according to its type:
We change every 6 months a saline battery.
We change the alkaline battery every year.
A lithium battery is changed approximately every 5 years.

10. "You need at least €150 for a detector with the installation" FALSE
A smoke detector costs around twenty euros, however the installation fluctuates depending on the service provider.

11. "The first one that comes to hand will do" FALSE
To choose your device, just check if the CE marking, in accordance with European standard EN 14604, is present on the detector. The NF standard is an additional guarantee of quality chosen voluntarily by certain manufacturers.

12. "The detector should be serviced" TRUE
Every month, the detector should be cleaned to prevent the accumulation of dust and other dirt. How to do ? Clean the opening of the DAAF with the brush attachment of our vacuum cleaner, followed by a light wipe of the entire detector.

13. "I can continue to smoke in the same room as the smoke detector" TRUE
Optical smoke detectors pick up particles between 1 and 10 micrometers in size, whereas the size of a particle of smoke is between 0.14 and 0.30 micrometers. Be careful, however, not to smoke in groups near your detector!
14. "The detector has been under warranty since purchase" FALSE
Nope, not quite! The detector is guaranteed for 5 or 10 years depending on the model, from the date of manufacture! Beware of scams!

The Morange and Meslot law enters into force on March 8, 2015. From this date, each household must be equipped with a smoke detector! But let's be reassured, for the moment there is no sanction in sight for those who do not have one! And if you are still looking for this device, discover our selection!
Laura Girard