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5 tips for a neat wardrobe

Is your wardrobe a mess? Then follow the 5 tips below for a neat wardrobe. A neat wardrobe not only ensures that you know exactly what to wear, but also gives a calm and tidy feeling. If you follow all 5 tips for a tidy wardrobe, you will see that others will follow your good example and your whole room will look much better.

Cleaning up is the keyword

When you furnish a closet, it should be both functional and beautiful. Good organization is a must, especially if you have to store clothes in a small space. It is very important to store all individual items clearly and in an easily accessible way.

When everything is tidy, the room not only immediately has a larger appearance, but the cupboard can also become an eye-catcher in itself. This certainly applies if it concerns an open closet space. Apply the following tips and ensure yourself of a tidy (clothes) closet. Below is a small step-by-step plan for cleaning up clothes.

1. Organize your clothes in an orderly manner

When furnishing the wardrobe, you have to make sure that it is clear. Pants with trousers, shirts with shirts and so on. If the clothes are sorted by type, you can also sort them by color. This makes it even easier to find the right item of clothing quickly.

Finally, finding a suitable piece of clothing becomes even easier if you sort your clothes by season, although it is always a surprise what the weather will do in the Netherlands 😉  Do you need inspiration? Then the Marie Kondo method might be something for you. Personally, I don't like everything around it (thank things, etc.) but she does have good tips for storing clothes in a small space.

2. Invest in quality and matching clothes hangers

Perhaps a not so obvious trick, but opt ​​for high-quality clothes hangers. These immediately give a calm look. Preferably choose the same model   and make finding clothes even easier. Special hangers are available for hanging dresses and trousers. These clothes hangers not only make your closet more organized, but also prevent your clothes from constantly falling off the hanger and wrinkling. Ideal if you don't like ironing.

3. Goodbye old clothes, hello new stuff

Make sure you take a critical look at your wardrobe from time to time. All old or unused clothing should not only be taken out of the closet, but also removed. You can sell the clothes that can be used for a second round via the well-known sales points such as or Of course you can also just organize an exchange evening with all your friends. No idea when is the best time to check your closet? The perfect time to check your closet is at the beginning of each season.

4. Provide a convenient layout

A handy layout is a must for a well-arranged wardrobe. Depending on your own wishes and needs, make sure you have enough hanging space (ideal for trousers, skirts, dresses and shirts). Don't forget the shelves where you can store your accessories such as bags or shoes. You can also use extra wall space next to the cabinet as storage space. Handy storage boxes are ideal for storing your underwear or socks.

You don't necessarily have to hide beautiful accessories such as your jewelry in the closet. If you have enough space in your room, put a nice table or a small desk next to the cupboard and display all your jewelry on it.

5. Accessories and shoes as real eye-catchers

As mentioned before, you can store your accessories in all directions. These can perfectly serve as real eye-catchers in your room. Think of a large open cupboard (for example a bookcase) that you use to store all your shoes. Of course you can store them all by type and color, but an open cupboard is the way to have a little fun when decorating. So don't put the same number of pairs on every shelf, play with the colors and seasons. Just put some shoes backwards (highly recommended when putting down your boots).

Other accessories that you can go all out on are:your jewelry, sunglasses, hair accessories, as well as your perfumes. Through a good mix and match, your accessories not only become real eye-catchers, but you create a calm and organized look for your entire room.

I hope the above 5 tips for a tidy wardrobe have helped you to bring more peace to your room. At the same time, you can fully enjoy a functional wardrobe that makes choosing your outfit easier.

Reading tip:make your wardrobe an eye-catcher with wallpaper

What do you do to keep your wardrobe neat and organized?