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Which rootstock for roses?

Question from a user:I should choose which rootstock for my roses?

Here is some technical information on the different types of rootstock used. Pros, cons, take your pick. The hardest part will be to know what the rose bush you are going to plant is grafted on... Nothing obliges a breeder to communicate on the varieties of rootstock he uses.

Rosa multiflora, the special rootstock for potted plants

Benefits :Push vigorously. Excellent rootstock for pot roses. Also very good for polyanthas and climbing roses .
Disadvantages :To be discarded for roses with large flowers and Tea hybrids because on it, the lifespan of plants is much shorter
Note :not very suitable for soil that is too calcareous (chlorosis)

Rosa multiflora – thornless

Benefits :Good growth, resistant to powdery mildew. Ideal rootstock.
Disadvantages :Not hardy enough in Germany.
Note :not very suitable for soil that is too calcareous (chlorosis)

Rosa canina polmeriana

Benefits :Accepts most large-flowered varieties well. Rootstock usable as stem . Has many excellent roots. For forcing roses.
Disadvantages :Moderate growth, finishes growing early. Unsuitable for maritime climates. Susceptible to powdery mildew.

Rosa canina Pfander

Benefits :Good as a stem, grows very vigorously. Also good for dwarf roses . Frost resistant.
Disadvantages :Relatively long and thin roots. Many sharp roots.

Rosa canina without thorns, An ideal rootstock but without drought

Benefits :Almost spineless. Growth extending into the heart of winter. Almost all large-flowered varieties grow well on him. Good rooting, no leaf diseases. Is today the best rootstock of the canina series. Particularly good for climbing roses and the Polyantha . Good for stems, although in its youth its twigs are slender. Particularly good in maritime climates. Excellent roots.
Disadvantages :As a rootstock, does not tolerate any drought . It then immediately loses its leaves. In times of drought, its growth stops early.

Rosa Laxa (Rosa coriifolia froebelii)

Benefits :Almost spineless. Almost no suckers. All dark red tea hybrids grow very well on it and show particularly bright colors. Especially suitable for heavy calcareous soils . Has the strongest root development of all rootstocks
Disadvantages :Roses Tea don't all grow well on him. Very large need forpotash and lime . Is prone to strong rust attacks when there is not enough potash and lime.
Note :the early cessation of vegetation allows the wood to mature well before winter, making it less sensitive to frost damage. It is widely used in eastern France and Switzerland.

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Which rootstock for roses? Which rootstock for roses? Which rootstock for roses?