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Adopting a cat in association (Le Chat Libre)

The adoption of our cat

Today I'm back for a lifestyle article, to share with you a new "life experience" which is particularly close to my heart. Before getting to the heart of the matter, I wanted to tell you about my desire, see my need to diversify my blog a little. Even if it is and will remain centered on fashion and beauty, these days I haven't found the time to write on other subjects. Whether on reading articles, series, cooking or other, I have totally forsaken this part of the blog .

I must admit that I also always have an apprehension to write this kind of articles because I am "afraid" that they will be badly received or that I will not be considered legitimate in these fields. I'm counting on you to tell me. In short, you will have understood it in the title, today we are going to talk about animals and more precisely to adopt a cat through an association, which was our case for Ivy. Happy reading!


Our desire to have an animal

First, I would like to give some context , those who have followed me for a long time know that I am a dog lover. I had a Labrador when I was younger and clearly I dream of adopting one again. But here it is, such a big dog in an apartment, it's not easy to manage but above all, I don't want him to be unhappy, that he lacks space.

With my lover, we have therefore thought of directing ourselves rather towards a cat for the moment. I had never had a cat, nor in my family so I did not know how to approach contact with them. But Mickaël, being more used to it, managed to reassure me and finally I had only one idea in mind :adopt a kitten.

We had no breed preferences, although we find Carthusians cute. However, I just as much preferred doing a good deed by taking in a homeless kitten, through acquaintances or an association. It was during a leaving party for a friend of Master that we chatted with another couple of friends.

They went the next day to meet the Association Le Chat Libre in Toulouse, which is present several Sundays a month in pet stores and gardening stores. Neither one nor two, here I am, bothering Mickaël to take a trip to Jardiland the next day, determined not to come back empty-handed.

The Free Chat Association

It was then that we met the volunteers of the Association Le Chat Libre . I am going to talk to you more specifically about this Toulouse association, because it is through them that we collected Ivy. But be aware that there are many other similar groups all over France, so find out in your area. I do not know if I will succeed in expressing my feelings about the volunteers of the association. This meeting touched me a lot , they are people who devote themselves body and soul to saving lives and caring for abandoned cats.

Most often,they are picked up on the street or following abandonment. Just writing these lines makes my heart break… The volunteers of the association therefore take care of recovering the cats and kittens, caring for them if necessary (some being very sick…). They are then placed either in the association's shelter or in a "foster family" while they find a permanent home . Know that you can contribute to the association in several ways:by adopting a cat of course, by making a monetary donation.

But also being a "foster family" and that's something I would love to do, but I'm not the only decision-maker in my household and that's also a burden (although kibble and other necessities are provided by the association). And since I'm not transported, it complicates things for me.

You can also put your "talents" to work for the association, in terms of communication, photos, help with the management of the website or simply by coming to visit the cats at the shelter and spend some time with them.

The adoption of Ivy

As I told you, we met the volunteers of Chat Libre during their presence at Jardiland. After going around the cats present for a good 20 minutes, I must admit that we hada very tender Clémence and a slightly skeptical Mickaël like "Do you really want to take one right now?" » haha! But then, when the volunteers put Ivy (initially named Poivrée Neige) in my arms, this tiny little cat so fragile and incredibly wise, it was over, we were leaving with her!

Besides, if you follow me on the networks you know that she has hidden her naughty game well! She was a real crush and I have absolutely no regrets (Mickaël either). Once again, "saving" a small animal is really a feeling of immense happiness and you want to take them all I guarantee you.

At the level of administrative procedures, here's how it goes. The association makes you sign a sort of "contract" that you adopt the cat, but above all that you agree to take care of it. In the case of Ivy who was an unsterilized cat, the association requires a deposit check to ensure that the operation is carried out correctly. They take great care that all cats are sterilized in order to avoid significant procreation and therefore more abandonment of cats.

Once the sterilization was done, we sent the veterinarian's certificate back to the association, which sent us back our deposit check and took the administrative steps for the Adoption certificate and the change of ownership, Ivy is officially ours!

Be aware that with this kind of association, you are not "paying" for the cat itself. But you pay for the care which have been administered to him (vaccines, sterilization if it is done, etc.) as well as membership fees to the association. We paid about 140 euros when taking her for these treatments and the part donated to the association, but what could be more normal! I find that this system is beneficial for everyone and remains accessible even if you have a small budget.

Of course, it will be necessary to count the costs of the material (cage, litter, croquettes, etc…) in addition. If you already know that you want a cat, I advise you to anticipate all this to get a better price. Because we bought everything on the spot, at Jardiland, in a hurry, but I know that we could find really cheaper for all that.

Regardless, I'm not telling you how happy it is to bring this little face home. She has now been part of our family for over a year . And quite honestly, I didn't think I could feel so much love for an animal. She's almost my baby and I'm all the more happy to have "saved" her and above all to try to give her a good life, comfort and love every day.

Do not hesitate to visit the website of the Le Chat Libre association if you are from Toulouse and want more information. And follow them on Facebook for updates. It is a serious and benevolent association that I constantly recommend to all my loved ones, so if you want to take the plunge, know that there will always be a little animal ready to give us affection and to receive it.

And you, do you have a pet?