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Top 10 Cat Breeds For Allergy People

People who suffer from an allergy to cats usually suffer from proteins that occur in cells and parts (for example, hair). Fortunately, there is good news for all lovers of cozy cuddly toys who suffer from allergies to cats:in this article a top 10 cat breeds that are suitable for allergy sufferers.

Allergy to cats

A cat allergy can arise out of the blue, but you can also suffer from it from a young age. If you have an allergy, you are allergic to the protein FELD 1, also known as Fel d 1. Your body reacts to this substance and causes medical complaints, including itching and shortness of breath. About 25% of the Belgian and Dutch population is allergic to cats.

1. Russian blue

The Russian Blue cat breed is immediately noticeable because of the blue coat and the fact that this breed produces much less Fel de 1 than many other cat breeds. The cats are known for their striking appearance and their pleasant character. They have a double coat and are therefore made for the outdoor life of northern climates. Ideal for colder regions.

2. Devon Rex

The Devon Rex's coat is not only soft, but also short and wavy. Most cats have a beautiful beige color and are notable for their large ears. Thanks to their short fur, they naturally lose much less hair than other cat breeds, earning them a place in the top 10 cat breeds for allergy sufferers. Devon Rex cats are known for always being a little playful kitten at heart, with energy comparable to that of a dog. Looking for a playmate? Then the Devon Rex is the perfect cat for you.

3. Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex is a close relative of the Devon Rex, with the difference that the Cornish Rex is darker in color, slightly more curled and has a larger body. This cat breed also has only one thin layer of fur (most cats have two layers of fur, which protects them from the cold). Fewer layers automatically mean less hair loss.

4. Bengal

Bengal cats are particularly popular, not least because they are reminiscent of a miniature leopard. These cats are very energetic and need a lot of space and love to play. Their coat is exceptionally short and fine, minimizing hair loss. Bengal cats also lick their fur much less, resulting in less saliva and fewer allergens.

5. Oriental Shorthair

Oriental Shorthair cats can be found in over 300 different colors. They are all recognizable by their fine and very short coat. These cats have virtually no hair loss. With a little basic maintenance of the coat, the Oriental Shorthair cat is an excellent choice for those with cat allergies.

6. Siberian cat

Are you looking for a big cat with a high cuddle content? Then the Siberian cat is a must. Despite the thick fluffy fur, this cat has less Fel de 1 than other cat breeds. Even short-haired cat breeds partly have more of the allergenic substance.

7. Javanese

Like the Cornish Rex, the Balinese or Javanese cat has only one coat of fur. The big difference is that Balinese cats only have one top coat instead of a bottom coat. As a result, there is even less hair loss and the risk of allergies is also minimized.

8. Balinese

Sometimes Balinese cats are also called the long-haired Siamese, because the Balinese has a particularly luxurious coat. This is quite misleading, because you would expect an allergic reaction to this immense coat. However, nothing could be further from the truth:this cat breed produces less Fel de 1 protein, making them less allergenic than many short-haired breeds.

9. LaPerm

The cat breed LaPerm has an extraordinarily curly coat (that's where the name comes from). It is precisely this coat that makes this cat in the top 10 cat breeds for allergy sufferers. The coat must be maintained regularly.

10. Sphynx

The Sphynx is a hairless cat, which appears very attractive, but is not the case under all circumstances. Whether you are allergic to this type of cat actually mainly depends on what you are allergic to. First, this cat breed still produces the Fel de 1 protein. In addition, the cats require more maintenance, including baths, so that an overabundance of oil does not occur. In addition, the large ears should also be cleaned with some regularity.

My own experience with cats and allergies

Both my husband and my son suffer from cat allergies, yet we have had cats in the house for over 18 years. Most of our cats come from shelters and are not a particular breed. From time to time it goes a bit less and my son has to take medication and so does my husband. For the most part, however, there is nothing wrong and it is possible to live well with a cat(s) in the house, even with allergies.

Reading tip:Separate names for your pet

In fact:we not only have a cat (currently only 1 cat, but that is mainly due to his character, because our cuddly toy does not tolerate other cats around him 😉 but also a lot of dogs. This is not going well, but also here can be lived with.

Do you suffer from an allergy to cats? Then there is no man overboard. Take your time, learn about the different cat breeds mentioned above and enjoy a life with a cat.

Do you have a cat at home or are you more of a dog person?