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Clipper organic teas and infusions

Let's talk about teas with Clipper

We meet today to discuss a lifestyle article that changes from my usual content. But I think that by seeing the photos you will understand why I wanted to tell you about it so much! I wanted to introduce you to the brand of organic teas and infusions Clipper . I have been receiving products from them for some time, a few boxes here and there that I always enjoy tasting.

So far, I've only told you about it on social media because I wasn't sure if the content would be big enough for an entire blog post. Today, not only have I tested and adopted the brand for several months, but I also received this complete set of the entire range. The opportunity for me to taste everything and present all the flavors to you. Happy reading!


History of the Clipper brand

Before getting to the heart of the matter, I wanted to tell you a bit about the Clipper brand . For me, a brand is not just a name and products, but it is first and foremost a story and this is something that I always watch carefully. Clipper is an English brand that was created in 1984 by Mike and Lorraine Brehme, tea enthusiasts of course.

At the end of their travels around the world, they discover flavors and compose new blends fair trade on their return to the UK. Their first green tea was marketed in 1996, but it was not until 2013 that the brand was sold in France. Currently, Clipper teas and infusions are distributed in supermarkets, as well as on Amazon and Cdiscount.

Mixtures of flavors

What I really liked about Clipper drinks were the flavors on offer. Mixtures are sometimes unexpected , but still successful. For example, there is a mint and fennel digestive infusion, my favorite! Or even lemon and ginger, lemongrass and eucalyptus. There are also detox teas. In general, each Clipper drink corresponds to a particular need :digestion, relaxation, sleep…

Also, the fact that the brand offers teas and infusions allows you to enjoy them at any time of the day, if for example the theine in the evening really prevents you from sleeping, you can opt for an infusion.

Unfortunately, the box I present to you is not sold . But it allows me to give you an overview of the tastes offered. Then, it's up to you to choose the ones that tempt you the most and taste them. Do not hesitate to tell me in comments if you have tested and liked the teas.

Grey tea – Green tea – Detox tea – Lemongrass, eucalyptus &ginko infusion – Chamomile, lemon balm &lavender infusion – Two mints &fennel infusion – Strawberry &elderflower infusion

Lemon &ginger infusion – Detox green tea – Ginger green tea – Lemon green tea – Strawberry green tea

More than hot drinks, a real commitment

As I told you above, Clipper teas are fair trade . The teas come from the best plantations in Africa, India and Sri Lanka with special attention to the conditions of the workers. The combination of decent working conditions in developing countries and the offer of drinks at the best prices are part of the brand values . Personally, I am touched by the importance given to this cause by the brand.

Also, Clipper is certified Organic Farming and European organic label and therefore offers teas and infusions grown without GMOs, chemical fertilizers and by limiting the use of synthetic pesticides.95% of the ingredients used are organic and of natural origin in accordance with the European standards of the labels mentioned above. This is a point to know if you attach importance to this kind of products.

Useful link:Discover Clipper teas &infusions on their website, on Amazon and in supermarkets

Did you know the Clipper brand &its organic products?