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10 Things That Are Dangerous For Your Cat

Your cat's well-being is high on your priority list. Not surprising, because you love your cat. That is why it is extra important that you pay attention to these 10 things that are dangerous for your cat.

A cat has 7 lives

Although the well-known proverb says that a cat has seven lives, that is not a license to let everything take its course. This is in the hope that it is all not so bad and that it will run smoothly. Whether your cat is a real house cat or is outside a lot, there are dangers for every cat. Unfortunately, you can't protect your cat from all dangers, especially if you have an exterior. Still, you can avoid things that could potentially endanger your cat's life.

10 Things that are dangerous for your cat

Do you want to protect your cat optimally? Then make sure you follow the tips below. Tips for optimal safety in and around the house.

1. Poisonous houseplants for cats

If you are not only fond of your cat, but also of plants, there are a number of things to consider when purchasing a new houseplant. Cats are very sensitive:they only have to come into contact with a harmful substance and cause health problems. That's because a cat is a clean animal that regularly cleans itself by licking. It is therefore not surprising that your cat ingests all kinds of things.

There is a whole laundry list of plants that are harmful to your cat. These include the poinsettia, lilies and Dieffenbachia. Symptoms that may indicate houseplant poisoning in cats include vomiting, difficulty breathing, dilated pupils, and foaming or excessive saliva. Do you want to prevent this? Then avoid poisonous houseplants for cats.

2. Chocolate is poison for cats

Many people know that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but this is also true for cats. Theobromine is a substance that poisons your cat. The highest theobromine content is found in dark chocolate. But milk chocolate and white is also poison for your cat. So make sure that your cat does not come into contact with chocolate.

3. Washing machine and dryer:a danger for cats

Cats like to crawl into small holes and corners. An open washing machine or dryer is such a place where your cat can lie unnoticed. If you close the door and don't notice that your cat is still inside, this can have far-reaching consequences for your cat.

4. Tea tree oil is toxic to cats

Tea tree oil is very good for many things, for example spotting pimples and cold sores. Unfortunately, it is fatal for your cat! It does not matter in what form your cat comes into contact with it. So you should not use tea tree oil in the diffuser if your cat's life is dear to you.

Reading tip:Use essential oil if you have pets

5. Be careful with medicines

If you are taking any medications yourself, make sure they are out of reach of your cat. Cats are naturally curious. If they see that you are using certain things, they want to investigate that and preferably eat it too. Incidentally, this does not only apply to medication prescribed by the general practitioner. Paracetamol and ibuprofen should also be kept away from your cat under all circumstances.

6. Be careful with cleaning agents

Precisely because your cat goes everywhere and then licks itself clean, it is very important that you are extremely careful when choosing certain cleaning products. Various chemical products are used in cleaning products. Your cat who walks over a cleaned area and then licks itself will ingest these products. So you want to avoid this.

My tip? To prevent this, I bought a steam cleaner from Vileda. This allows you to clean perfectly and because it works purely on steam separately, it is not harmful to the cat.

7. Collar for a cat

It may look cute and you may think this is the best solution should something happen to your cat. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. A collar for cats can be deadly. Cats jump and run and wriggle in all sorts of turns, easily getting caught with their collars. This is not only dangerous for outdoor cats. Your cat can also get stuck indoors with the collar. Your cat can also injure itself during cleaning.

Instead of a collar, it is better to provide your cat with a chip with all the data on it. If your cat does not come home and is found, you as the owner can easily and quickly be traced by means of the chip.

8. Leave the window open when tilted

Cats are not only curious, sometimes they appear to be liquid. They squeeze effortlessly through the smallest cracks and openings. Such a half-open window is an invitation to a cat. Unfortunately, in the worst case, this can even be fatal for your cat. Especially if it slides from the wider part into the narrowest part.

This can cause your cat to get stuck. This can cause internal bleeding and death. Do you want to air? In that case, keep a close eye on your cat, so that you can be there immediately if he or she attempts to go outside through the window.

9. Be careful with thin wires

Cats are playful by nature and anything that moves even slightly is attractive. This also applies to things such as a thread from a garment, curling ribbon or, for example, a dental floss. Your cat can play with this and swallow it (unnoticed). The consequences of this are serious, as your cat can choke.

In the best case scenario, it will pass through the stomach without any problems and your cat will poop it out again. If you're unlucky, the wire can block the intestines or cause organ damage, forcing your cat to rush to the vet (in the hope that something can still be done).

10. Burn

It has already been said:cats are curious and prefer to sit with their nose on top of everything. Unfortunately, cats don't see dangers. A hot pan, the stove that is still hot or a bowl of soup, all dangers for the cat, because it can burn itself. Are you or have you been cooking? Then make sure that your cat stays far away until it is safe again.