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Initiating change by making the right purchases

Maybe you think… another sustainable blog? If this isn't your thing, I'll let you scroll through, of course, but I'd rather you read this article about sustainable products in the bathroom. Because with the same ease you contribute to the environment by only making some different choices when it comes to environmentally friendly products for the bathroom, for example. Because if you choose a few products that are sustainable, you are already consciously helping to make the world a bit more beautiful.

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Use sustainable-products in the bathroom; why not?

It's habituation. The products you use now, you use because you are used to it. And that is why you do not make new conscious choices for sustainable bathroom products. If you are already doing this, I would like to hear any additions to this blog. Do you use certain products that are more environmentally friendly than their 'standard' alternative? Be sure to let me know if I can mention here in the context of sustainability.

We use the following sustainable products in the bathroom ourselves:

Durable eye make-up remover pads in the bathroom

Something the men in our house don't need, but which I like to use myself and which Lotte grabs from the closet every now and then are our reusable eye makeup remover pads † Even though I don't use a lot of makeup, I can't live without makeup remover pads. Every evening I want to be able to clean my search properly. I used to do this with a cotton pad, but a while ago I switched to re-usable pads. Ideal!

The pads clean just as well as a regular cotton pad, and can be washed again. By adding these pads to the sustainable products in our bathroom, we have much less waste. Every now and then I throw the pads in the washing machine with a normal wash and then they are ready for another use. It can't get much more sustainable than this.

Towels made of organic cotton

I must admit that not all towels with us are made of organic cotton. It is of course not environmentally friendly to throw away all our current towels and replace them with sustainable bath linen † But as soon as towels have to be replaced because they are broken, I consciously choose towels or bath towels made of organic cotton. In this way we can contribute step by step!

Sustainable-bamboo products in the bathroom

Bamboo is a very sustainable product. It grows very fast and when the trunk is cut, the roots of the plant remain intact and the trunk continues to grow. In addition, bamboo helps against erosion and needs little water. All environmentally friendly aspects of bamboo. Furthermore, bamboo is very strong and it filters more CO2 from the air than ordinary trees.

All in all, a good reason to choose bamboo products in the bathroom; sustainable, environmentally friendly and also beautiful. Because say yourself… bamboo swabs Are they a lot more chic to look at than a plastic cotton swab? And they sure are that good! We also have bamboo toothbrushes here. We mainly use these when we go on vacation and leave our electric toothbrushes at home. I personally prefer to brush electrically, but the bamboo toothbrush is a plus in terms of durability.

In addition to bamboo swabs, we also have bamboo soap dishes for the shampoo bars, which immediately brings me to the next sustainable product in the bathroom.

Shampoo bars instead of all-plastic bottles

I really like using them, the natural shampoo bars † Instead of using shower foam from a bottle, we use the shampoo bars here. This already saves quite a few plastic bottles in the bathroom. It took some effort to convince the children of this convenience and advantage, but they don't know any better by now either. I also initially used these bars for my hair, but since I started using the CG method with my hair, I started trying out some other products. Products that I benefit from for my hair, but which unfortunately come in a plastic bottle. That is secretly a shame, of course.

Try to avoid micro-beads as much as possible

The micro plastics are bad for the environment and bad for our own health. So try to make a conscious sustainable choice for micro beads-free products in your bathroom. You will find micro beads in products such as shampoo, body scrubs and, for example, toothpaste! By using micro plastic-free products you already take a big step in your environmentally friendly approach.

Not toothpaste from a tube, but pastilles

Have you ever tried it? Toothpaste tablets instead of toothpaste from a tube? So you can also brush your teeth sustainably! I was asked to test them and I am very pleased with them. I even asked my dentist what he thought of it and he was perfectly okay with it. Can you also turn the knob to chew a pastille before brushing instead of using regular toothpaste? Then you have taken another step towards all sustainable products in your bathroom. Yes!

Are you 'ready' in your bathroom and do you want to take the step towards more sustainability at home? Then organic linen is the first step to more environmentally friendly products in your bedroom.