It's almost winter and your bathroom is cold. baths ?
I too was like you.
Fortunately, I invested in a small fan heater to warm me up without spending too much.
Heating consumption in autumn and winter can quickly become a major expense.
Especially if you don't apply effective tips and tricks to save money on a daily basis!
Here, there is no need to heat the whole house when you only want to heat the bathroom!
- The trick I use to heat my small bathroom is to use a fan heater.
Why ?
- Because this room simply needs to be heated occasionally since I don't spend the day there!
It is for this reason that it is best to take advantage of a fast heat thanks to a very economical fan heater.
As soon as I know I'm going to take a quick shower, I turn on my fan heater 5 to 10 minutes before.
Most of the time, I stop it before getting into my shower, because the temperature is sufficient.
It's up to you to see how chilly you are...
There you go, you know how to heat yourself in the bathroom.
Of course, this trick works especially for small bathrooms.
But using a small electric heater remains one of the most economical ways to heat the bathroom.
A fan heater is your best partner to save electricity in the bathroom.
If you use a classic electric radiator, your heating consumption easily explodes...
To avoid these unpleasant surprises on electricity bills, all you need to do is invest around €15 in a small fan heater.
Of course, you can also use the fan heater to heat another room quickly.
But don't use it to heat a room all the time , because there it is no longer economical.
In any case, remember to clean it every year with this trick to keep it efficient.