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Choosing the right flowering climbing plant

Choosing the right flowering climbing plant

Climbing plants are very elegant to decorate a wall on part of your home. In addition, they are suitable for all styles of home; low villa, apartment or two-storey house. In general, climbing plants are to be planted near the entrance to the house or under a window. Honeysuckle, jasmine, hydrangea, passionflower, etc.… fragrant flowers that all have the advantage of being very easy to maintain. Among this wide variety of plants, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. This little guide will give you a little idea of ​​the climbing plant suitable for your situation.

How to choose it?

Choosing the right flowering climbing plant

The Fallopia baldschuanica or Aubert's Knotweed will perfectly decorate pergola and trellis with its small white flowers.

In fact, the choice of this plant should be based on the configuration of the part to be covered. It should be noted that climbing plants are classified into two categories; those that have aerial roots and those that require attachments for their fixation. In the choice of this plant, it is strongly recommended to opt for varieties whose size is not very restrictive.

Choosing the right flowering climbing plant

Clever mix of a clematis and a climbing rose.

You can also opt for two or three plants that will match in color or shape. But be sure that there is not one that dominates the others. To do this, space them at least 1 meter apart.

There are, among other things, three major essential varieties, including:
Rustics :honeysuckle, jasmine, clematis, hydrangea, bindweed, bignone.
Exotics :passion flower, plumbago, thunbergia, dipladenia, and bougainvillea.
Annuals :nasturtium, convulvulus, creeping geranium, and sweet pea.

Choosing the right flowering climbing plant

With different color options, nasturtium is an easy-to-grow plant.

Regarding hanging, all climbing plants cling to trellises, fences and other supports. Just guide them.

  • Large areas:

Choosing the right flowering climbing plant

The bougainvillea is also magnificent for large spaces.

If you have a large area, the hydrangea is the ideal plant, especially since it needs this space for its development. Admittedly, they only appear after three years, and in winter, but the rendering is exceptional with many white flowers.

  • On a wall:

Choosing the right flowering climbing plant

Senecon ivy (Delairea odorata or Senecio mikanioides) will brighten up your wall beautifully, with its glossy green foliage and bright yellow flowers in early winter.

If the climbing plant aims to camouflage an unsightly wall, evergreen ivy is the best choice. It is a very hardy plant that resists the vagaries of time. However, its spikes damage masonry in poor condition.

  • Balcony:

Choosing the right flowering climbing plant

The Ville de Lyon clematis is a very beautiful plant that loves the sun but needs to have its feet in the shade.

To decorate the balconies of your home, you have the choice between star jasmine and clematis including Montana Mayleen, Piilu, Niobé, Saphyra and Jackmanii.