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How to choose the right rigid fence?

How to choose the right rigid fence?

To delimit a garden, a professional land, an agricultural land, or any type of land, the rigid fence is able to suit you.

However, the rigid mesh fence is offered in many ranges which can be more or less in line with your expectations, so you will have to choose it well to avoid any odds.

How to recognize the different ranges of rigid mesh? In which cases is it necessary to select your product carefully?

In this article we will detail the cases where it is necessary to carefully choose your rigid welded fence and teach you how to recognize the various ranges available on the market.

The rigid fence:Compare panels, posts and accessories

In order to choose the right range of rigid mesh, you will need to know the product well.

Of course, companies that sell fencing can advise you on how to buy a rigid fence kit that meets your expectations, so don't hesitate to tell them your project as well as possible.

On the other hand, many customers today buy on e-commerce without going through an advisor and it will therefore be important to be able to select without help.

How to choose the right rigid fence?

Rigid panels

The first element to study well will be the grid that will constitute your rigid fence.

Rigid panels can be more or less robust depending on several criteria:

  • The diameter of the steel wire
  • The galvanizing rate
  • Mesh size
  • The number of reinforcement plies
  • The dimensions of your rigid grids

All these elements will make your grid more or less robust and more or less durable.
Depending on your expectations, you will have to study these characteristics carefully.

The fence posts

The second point to consider when buying your fence is the posts.

Too often neglected, you should know that they are the ones that hold all of your panels together and that are the most stressed when your fence is equipped with a screen.

A bad choice of posts involves a risk of breakage, so compare all the characteristics before choosing the model that will make up your chain-link fence:

  • Steel thickness
  • Galvanization rate
  • The stake section
  • The shape of the stakes

A post that is too thin will be useless, for example, if you wish to make a rigid fence with a blackout fabric, and conversely to make a basic fence you will not have the need to pay for a post that is too expensive when an entry-level is sufficient. .

Accessories for your fence

Last point to consider when buying your rigid fence, the accessories that compose it.
Several accessories can complement your rigid fence:

  • Fixing plates
  • Screenbreaks and windbreaks
  • The fasteners

For example, if you opt for a fence with occultation, then it will be inadvisable to use fixing plates which risk unwelding too easily and causing your fence to lie down at the first strong gusts of wind.

The cases where it will be necessary to choose your range of mesh

Different projects require different lines of rigid mesh.

How to choose the right rigid fence?

Find out in which situations you will need to choose the characteristics of your galvanized fence.

Rigid mesh with concealment

This is surely the scenario where there is the most risk, indeed it is very common to see rigid fences that break when you place a screening system.

Indeed, if you place a screen on your fence, then it will be subject to strong stress on windy days and if you have not opted for a suitable fence, you will inevitably regret it.

In this case, you need to choose robust panels and suitable posts that can withstand strong stress without any risk.

A fence to protect and secure

If your need is not just to delimit but rather to secure your land, then it is obvious that you will need very robust signs and posts.

For example:If you want to protect yourself from wild boar intrusion, then you will also need suitable panels and posts that may not give way under load.

Delineate your garden at a low price

Conversely, if you simply want to delimit a field without any particular constraints, then you need a range sold at a low price.

A cheap rigid mesh kit will be much more suitable than a specially robust range because it will be more expensive and will have no particular use.

Choosing the right garden fence is essential. Opt for an entry-level range to landscape your garden.