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I go for nice bucket seats, but I still come home with something different

Do you know that? That you go out to a specific store for an offer because you want that product and eventually come back with a much more expensive item? This happens often with us, and this time also with the Kwantum when I went looking for garden furniture for sale.

You are completely made fun of with all those advertisements in folders, but also online. I no longer receive the brochures in the letterbox, but online I am still regularly spammed with all kinds of offers. Also very nice by the way 😉 . Due to our move, I was still looking for beautiful garden chairs for the outdoor dining table. As a result of an advertisement on Facebook, I ended up at the Kwantum for garden furniture. Super nice bucket seats for outside that are also on sale. Since I prefer to use my garden for lounging, I had a mission! So hop in the car to the Quantum to stock up. In any case, we will be able to sit outside in the garden during the renovation.

Garden furniture on sale at the Kwantum

No sooner said than done. When I arrive at the Kwantum, I am first stopped by a lot of nice accessories in the store. Nice for a little color in your interior. I think a lot of what I see is super fun and in my mind I'm already redesigning my house. Frank sighs. He just doesn't pull me through the store by my shirt, haha.

Arriving at the Kwantum's garden furniture department, we see the bucket seats. They look really nice. By the way, there is a whole row of garden chairs in front of the dining table, so what do you do then? Right. Then take a look at them all and try them out. However, the bucket seats that are on offer turn out not to be nearly as comfortable as the other garden chairs that we test. Well.

And even though I go to the Kwantum with the idea that I prefer not to spend too much money for new garden chairs… I do want a bit of quality and be able to sit comfortably. After tossing back and forth, sitting, standing and sitting again, the egg was laid. We still go for the more expensive garden chairs, even if they are not on offer. Still makes a big difference if you want 8 chairs.

sigh. Story of my life. Instead of € 232.00 without an offer, I ended up losing € 440.00 for the Kwantum garden furniture, because well… a small cushion in it is also so nice.

Offer pulls you in

Of course I'm super happy with my new olive green chairs, but I think it's so stupid of myself that I let such adoration lure me every time. I am well aware that what is on offer is generally not what I fall for - in terms of taste or quality.

Anyway, they didn't have 8 pieces in the store, so I ordered them and I can go to the Kwantum again soon to actually load them. Because I don't worry about the delivery costs of € 30.00. I drive up and down once in a while. With the danger that I will get stuck with the accessories again and not just leave the store with the garden chairs 😉 .

Which one of you recognizes this more?