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I can get back to work decorating my home

Secretly I sometimes think that I should have made it my job, interior styling. I can totally immerse myself in it! But I also really like blogging, so furnishing the house is 'side business' for me. But an important side issue! I can reduce consumption in many areas, but when it comes to furnishing my house, I have a bit of trouble with that.

I prefer to browse every home furnishing store - online or offline - from front to back. Searching for nice products to furnish my home with, or for something nice to give as a gift. And that doesn't have to be expensive at all, sometimes you are ready for a few euros. That is of course also the challenge, to make a nice mix of possibly expensive design products, with budget items. For example, I recently bought some super nice accessories at the Action. It costs nothing and you can vary it very nicely.

Furnishing a house from top to bottom

In a few months I can go all out with decorating our new home. From front to back and from bottom to top. If you move, everything can simply be completely redesigned and thought out. And you don't necessarily need new products for that. That is often just fine with what you already have at home, of course. However, we have one challenge. We're not buying one house, we're buying two. The house we bought consists of two houses that can both be furnished. Woop-woop!

Old and new furniture

We already have a lot of beautiful furniture that I am very happy with. And they all go along nicely for the furnishing of our new home. But with everything that comes along, I still have more than enough space to store extra stuff. Not that it has to be chock-full, but I do like a cozy interior in my home. It is looking for the balance between not too full but still cozy. And I like to look for that 😉 .

In fact, everything from our old house goes with us to our new house, including the table and record player of the Retro Family. I hope we all get it right with the transfer of the house, because we don't have a lot of time. And then the search begins. Or actually, it has already started when it comes to furnishing the home.

Because even though I don't think everything has to be right in the beginning (it certainly won't work), I do like to find inspiration everywhere. You can find me on Pinterest almost every day. And last week we were in Utrecht at the construction and renovation fair 'Eigen Huis'. Looking for all kinds of fun ideas to furnish our home in a cozy way and practical tips. Highly recommended if you also want to gain inspiration.

Practical matters and fun matters; distinction when furnishing our home

Fortunately, Frank and I fit right in. He prefers to look at all the practicalities of home furnishings. For example, the entire network that needs to be set up, buying LED lamps to reduce energy expenditure, purchasing solar panels, the alarm system. And so on.

And I? I prefer to deal with the fun aspects of furnishing a home. Are we going to realize an extension now or do we wait a little longer (financial thing)? Which floor are we going to lay? We are still looking for a new industrial TV cabinet and where exactly do we place the new cabinet that we actually had made for our old house. And oh yes, we also have to buy new curtains because the old curtains remain in our old house. Etcetera.

I'm sure you understand. I am a happy person. I can write all day long (super cool job) and I can also just redecorate a home. Even my own house! What more could a woman want?

Are you also a fan of 'furnishing' in your own home and furnishing your home?