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Decorating and fitting out a mobile home

It is true that you do not spend much of your time there. However, this is not a reason not to devote time and attention to the layout of your mobile home. Take inspiration from these ideas and tips.

Layout of the terrace

Like me, your mobile home also serves as your summer residence. By the sea, in the countryside or in the mountains, you particularly appreciate your recently installed wooden terrace for mobile homes. Only, have you arranged the premises properly to make it a real place to live? I did not hesitate to do so.

For this, I invested in a small designer living room consisting of a sofa, two armchairs and a coffee table. Since there are not enough square meters, I preferred the living room over a set with a dining table. As a result, I can both laze around there by indulging in my favorite summer activities of reading and napping. But I can also receive my guests.

For the style, I let myself be tempted by braided resin. Offering a very wide range of colors, this material would have an exceptional resistance to external aggressions. As for me, I particularly appreciate the lines of these pieces of furniture, which are both refined and elegant, without forgetting their great lightness. In addition, you can very easily move them from one point to another without making any effort. And since my girlfriend is very fond of flowers, we didn't skimp on the plants and plants. Moreover, I used the pots as decorative objects by choosing them with a pattern, but above all very colorful. To complete my decor, I didn't forget to place an assortment of lanterns, tealight holders and candles everywhere for evenings with friends.

The decoration of the mobile home

Even though for me the terrace is the most important area in a mobile home, I also put the same energy into decorating its interior. And I was really surprised how long it took me. Indeed, contrary to popular belief, fitting out the small forty square meters was anything but easy. That's why I decided to make it a place, above all, functional.

One of my main concerns is that you can move freely around the rooms. To achieve this, the best solution was to opt for a minimalist decoration with as little furniture as possible. In order not to overload the rooms, I favored modular furniture at will, convertible and built-in. And when choosing the beds, sofas and the like, I also paid a lot of attention to their comfort.

I was really surprised with the result because since the windows and openings were unobstructed, against all expectations, the interior of the accommodation gained in brightness. Otherwise, the other tip I recommend is to paint the walls with light tones. The visual effect is very stunning if you want to give the impression of larger rooms. For my part, I did not hesitate to put a lot of bright and shimmering colors. After all, this is our vacation home. And once is not customary, I let go, I really let all my creativity speak.