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Tired of flying? With these home remedies you can get rid of it quickly

Flies are not only a nuisance, but also very unhygienic, because they can transfer bacteria. Do you suffer from flying? You can get rid of it quickly with these home remedies

Are flies harmful to your health?

Many people wonder whether flying is harmful to health. The answer to that is succinctly:yes. Flies are indeed harmful to your health. Studies have shown that it is better to avoid food that has been fed by a fly. The studies have shown that flies on legs and wings sometimes carry hundreds of species of harmful bacteria. And these bacteria can cause major health problems. (source:AD)

The diseases that flies can transmit range from a fairly harmless diarrhea to cholera, typhoid and dysentery. Salmonella bacteria can also be transmitted by flies. And that's not surprising when you consider that flies mainly live on rotting meat, leftover food and excrement.

Home remedy against flies:prevent a fly infestation

As with anything, prevention is always better than cure. This certainly also applies to flying at home. There are several things you can do to prevent flies from entering your home:

  • Make sure your home is clean and tidy. Clear the table immediately after eating so that no crumbs are left behind, which attracts flies. Also clean your counter and your sofa if you eat snacks there regularly
  • Cover the fruit bowl. Not only fruit flies love the sweet smell of fruit, ordinary house flies are also attracted to it
  • Empty the trash can regularly:your trash can and organic waste bin have a huge attraction for flies. Make sure you always keep it closed and refresh it regularly
  • Close windows and doors as much as possible or use screens and a fly curtain

Troubled by flying? You can get rid of it quickly with these home remedies

Are you bothered by flies at home? Then of course you want to get rid of this as soon as possible. You can do that with the home remedies below.

Warning in advance:many remedies are essential oils. Using essential oil can be harmful to your pet!

  • Laurel oil :Flies hate the smell of laurel oil. You can use this in different ways. Do you have a diffuser? A few drops of oil in the water works wonders. You can also work without a diffuser. For example, drop a little oil on a cloth and place it near the windowsill. You can also make your own spray:just put a few drops of laurel oil in a water spray and you can coat all areas (trash bin, fruit bowl, door frame, window frame
  • Clove oil :Like bay oil, houseflies hate the smell of cloves. You can use this in the same way as described above for bay oil. You can also halve a few lemons and stick dried cloves in it. You divide this over the room where you want to fight houseflies. The combination of lemon and cloves keeps flies at bay.
  • Eucalyptus :Another scent that flies absolutely hate is eucalyptus. You can also use it in a diffuser or spray it with some water. A few drops on a cloth by the windowsill also works
  • Lavender :Use lavender oil in a diffuser or make a spray with water and a few drops of lavender oil. With the spray you can clean garden furniture and at the same time ensure that flies stay at a distance. Are you barbecuing? Then place a few sprigs of dried lavender on the grill. That way you spread the scent of lavender and keep flies at bay. Ideal if you want to enjoy good food in peace. A bowl of fresh lavender flowers on the windowsill also works perfectly.
  • Cayenne pepper or chili :There are even more home remedies to control flies. Take a bowl with some water and put a little cayenne pepper or chili pepper in it. Place the bowl in places where flies are bothering you. You can of course also make a spray of it and spray it on the desired places. And if you're already at it:don't forget to spray the container! This keeps maggots out of the container!
  • Planting tomatoes :A natural means of controlling flies is to plant tomatoes. The more tomatoes in the garden, the better. The scent acts as a natural repellent against house flies. Moreover, it is a win-win:you can enjoy your home-grown tomatoes all summer and you will no longer be bothered by flies
  • Suffering from mourning flies on your plants? Then it is important to intervene as quickly as possible. Mourning flies lay eggs in the soil and the larvae of mourning flies live on the roots of your plant. Fortunately, you can prevent all of this quickly and easily. Then put a few matches, head down, in the soil of the plant. After the plant has been poured, the sulfur contained in the head of the match spreads into the soil. This ensures that the mourning fly larvae are killed

Home remedy against flies:carnivorous plants and flycatcher

Are flies still a persistent problem in your home? Then you can use flycatchers and carnivorous plants. Packs of flycatchers cost next to nothing:at the Action you can find these for less than 1 euro (there are 4 flycatchers in a pack). Do you love plants and/or do you have children? Then you can put carnivorous plants. These catch flies and dispose of them naturally.

Fighting flies with the fly swatter

Finally, there is one thing that always works:the old-fashioned fly swatter! However, the big disadvantage of this is that a hit fly always leaves a lot of junk on the wall. This is not a problem on a slippery surface, you can easily and quickly clean it. Unfortunately, it becomes a completely different story on a paint with textured paint.

Instead of a classic fly swatter, you can of course also purchase an electric fly swatter. The advantage of this is that it is not only suitable for houseflies, but also for mosquitoes! You can also find these at Action for little money.