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Tips to earn money from home working from home

Many people look for work from home, but there are often quite a few snags. That's why I'm sharing my tips for making money from home working from home today. It is possible to earn money from home, although in most cases it will never be a fat pot.

Work from home:you need to know this in advance

If you search for homework on Google you will come across a lot of advertisements. One sounds even better than the other. Many of these companies do offer homework, but often enough you will first have to invest an amount yourself. In most cases this is a small amount, but sometimes it can be quite significant. In almost all cases of working from home, this concerns so-called MLM activities.

MLM stands for Multi Level Marketing and is nothing but a disguised form of pyramid scheme. Real products are involved in this form of pyramid scheme. Think of products such as cosmetics, perfume and, for example, slimming aids. You then have to sell these products, where you get a certain percentage. In order to do this work you have to pay a subscription fee or dues to the company. This way of working from home is increasing in popularity and it is often well-known companies that work with this system (think Herbalife, Tubberware and many others).

To be able to do this work somewhat successfully, you must have a broad network, so that you can actually sell the products.

Tips to earn money from home

I myself am not in favor of working from home, where an investment or contribution is required. The fact that this is a pyramid scheme also disgusts me. As a newcomer you will therefore not earn much, it is the people at the top who benefit the most from it. Still, there are plenty of ways to earn some extra from home. With the tips below to earn money from home, you will also succeed in earning a little extra. Don't expect mountains of money, but every little bit is welcome.

Complete surveys

I myself have been filling out surveys on various websites for several years now. It's not a fat pot, but with that money I was able to buy a new phone (over a year ago) and some other things. You should especially enjoy taking surveys. On average, you spend 10 minutes completing a survey. Depending on which company the questionnaire is sent out, you earn a certain amount per question or you receive points for it. I myself am registered with the following companies:

GFK (you get points for this and that quickly adds up) (this is a combination of clicking on emails, completing surveys and earning money when you buy a certain product somewhere)
Panelwizard .nl (per question you get € 0.10)

Getting started as a mystery shopper

This is also not a fat pot, but certainly fun to do every now and then. You register and get started as a mystery shopper. What you earn depends a lot on the assignments. Sometimes you get a certain amount (average is around € 15.00 per assignment) and sometimes you only get a budget for shopping (this varies, but can go up to € 50.00 per assignment).

I myself am affiliated with various platforms for which I do mystery shopping. I went to the cinema as a mystery shopper, shopped nice household items and even got a new haircut. In addition, I have also eaten well and earn some small amounts as a mystery shopper. The following also applies here:you must above all enjoy doing it, because for each assignment you have to make an extensive report/fill in a questionnaire. You can become a mystery shopper at the following companies:

Research factory
Bare International

Create a blog

Keeping your own blog is hot and with a bit of luck and skill you can also earn a nice pocket money with this. Please note:you can only earn a lot of money if you have a very special blog. But here too the following applies:you should especially enjoy writing and keeping a blog. Sometimes you get products from companies, you can earn a little bit every now and then, but it is and remains especially fun to do. In addition to my lifestyle magazine, I have now set up a second blog, especially for all mothers (to be) with children aged 0 – 12 years.

Sell your photos

Do you have a talent for taking good photos? Then offer it on websites like You won't get really rich from it, but if you're a little good you can earn something from it. Just make sure your photos stand out with out of the box ideas. Optionally, you can also make arrangements with bloggers to take photos for them at a certain rate.

Create websites for others

Don't feel like writing a blog yourself, but are you handy when it comes to putting together websites? Then you can get started with that. Create websites for others in your spare time and earn a nice pocket money. The same also applies to designing logos, slogans and everything that has to do with a website.

Other tips to earn extra money

There are plenty of other ways to earn some extras. For example, I previously wrote an article with 10 tips to earn money online. But you can also try the following things:
– Sell (handmade) stuff on Etsy
– Have your car stickered with advertising
– Clickmails (per opened email you will receive 0.01)
– Selling unnecessary stuff on Marktplaats or Ebay
– Selling stuff on King's Day (with these 10 tips to earn money on King's Day you will certainly succeed)

Making money at home and the tax authorities

If you earn money from home, you will also have to declare this to the balsting service. That does not mean that you have to pay tax, however, you do have to declare the income. Knowing more? Check the website of the tax authorities.

Do you have any tips for earning money working from home? Then let me know.