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Switching telecom provider with sim only

At the end of the year, many people switch health insurers and energy suppliers. We also looked at switching telecom providers with a sim-only option. Switching can be rewarding, not only in terms of money, but also in terms of accessibility.

Not satisfied with current telecom provider

When we remigrated, it was of course important to be reachable again as soon as possible. My husband has carefully researched everything and we decided to go for telecom provider X. When my daughter and I arrived a month later, I switched to the same telecom provider as my husband, while our daughter bought a phone that came with a SIM card. Convenience serves people and we have left it that way for the time being, bearing in mind that we will make the switch at some point.

Everything went pretty well for the first few months. My Samsung device showed problems, but we already knew that before the remigration, so a new device was high on my wish list. However, with this I wanted to wait until Black Friday and indeed I was able to buy a nice device that day. There will be a review about this later, but whoever follows me on Instagram has seen that the last photos are missing the black pixel error on the image. Long live Nokia with razor-sharp cameras.

As mentioned, we were actually quite satisfied with the telecom provider, only we were increasingly surprised that we could not reach each other. Then the phone would ring a time or two and then go through to voicemail. Not really useful if you want to reach your children or husband. Unfortunately, this happened more and more often and that started to irritate us immensely. In addition, text messages and whatsapp messages did not arrive or only arrived much later. So it's time to switch.

Change telecom provider with sim only

The range of telecom providers in the Netherlands is enormous. Since my husband and son have a telephone, daughter and I have just bought a new device, we soon decided to switch telecom provider with a cheap sim only option. Our preference is for an affordable subscription and, above all, a provider that has national coverage and is known. We don't want to have to switch every time because half of the family is unreachable most of the time.

Hubby likes to delve into figures, statistics and reviews and soon came up with the cheap sim-only option from T-Mobile. The great thing about this is that you can bring in people, which reduces the subscription costs. This has the following advantages for us as a family:

  • All from the same provider
  • Extra discount on subscription
  • With number portability
  • Large choice of different subscriptions
  • Cheap option for the whole family
  • Always available

Are you planning to switch from telecom provider with sim only or have you ever done so? Do you have any tips for us before we actually make the switch? Let me know.

*This article is a collaboration

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