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No More Weekend Cleaning With This Routine Of Only 20 Min A Day.

No More Weekend Cleaning With This Routine Of Only 20 Min A Day.

I don't know about you, but for me weekends are made in order to relax.

In no case, to spend one's time catching up cleaning that hasn't been done during the week!

Even if we all like to have a clean house... up on weekends is super boring!

Well today I show you how to organize yourself so that your weekends are 100% yours.

How? 'Or' What ? By doing only 15 to 20 minutes of housework every day of the week.

By following this cleaning routine, you are free as air from Friday evening!

Discover how 20 minutes of cleaning a day will change your life forever . Watch:

No More Weekend Cleaning With This Routine Of Only 20 Min A Day.

  • The key to success
  • Daily household chores
  • Then stains to be done once a week
  • An example of a household schedule
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday

The key to success

So how do you manage to stop spending your weekend cleaning?

The key to success is based on 2 types of stains:

The ones you do every day, because they are part of your routine.

And the ones you only do once a week .

Mastering this combination is finally being 100% free on the weekend!

Now let's see in detail what these 2 types of stains consist of:

Daily household chores

Do these tasks every day to avoid ending up with a big mess on the weekends.

These stains should be part of your routine and only count towards the 20 min cleaning per day.

These are just simple little reflexes, but they pay off big!

Each of these tasks only takes a few minutes:

- Wipe wet bathroom sinks and kitchen sink after use.

- Squeegee shower doors, walls and floors after every shower.

- Fill and run the dishwasher after each meal.

- Sweep or use a cordless vacuum on the kitchen floor. Do the same in high traffic areas.

- Put objects back in their place after using them (cushions, remote controls, mail, bags...).

- Wipe the table after each meal.

Then the tasks to do once a week

Once you've made daily tasks part of your routine, move on to weekly tasks.

Nothing could be simpler!

Take up to 20 minutes of your time per day to do one or more of the following tasks:

- Clean windows and mirrors in the bathroom and elsewhere.

- Dust off.

- Vacuum carpets and rugs.

- Clean the parquet and the tiles.

- Clean the bathroom sink and toilet bowl.

- Clean the refrigerator.

- Tackle the clutter and tidy the house.

- Deep clean kitchen appliances.

- Thoroughly clean the bathroom (showers, sinks, tubs, and toilets).

- Do your washing machines and immediately take care of taking out the laundry, drying it and putting it away.

An example of a cleaning schedule

No More Weekend Cleaning With This Routine Of Only 20 Min A Day.

To make it easier for you, I'm revealing my daily cleaning schedule.

It should help you better understand how I organize myself at home so that you can do the same.

Take a good look at what follows, because these little habits allowed me to no longer be a slave to the household!

Realize:I don't do any cleaning on the weekends anymore!


I dust and clean windows and mirrors throughout the house.


I clean the fridge and other kitchen appliances.


I vacuum all the rugs and carpets in the house.


I mop the tiles and clean the parquet.


I thoroughly clean the bathroom and toilet. I also tidy up the most messy places.