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7 surprising uses of tea in and around the house

Discover here 7 surprising uses of tea in and around the house. Tea is of course very tasty, but you can do so much more with it. For example, pampering your plants and refurbishing furniture. Became curious? Then read on quickly.

Tea and our health

Tea has traditionally been known for being particularly healthy. In particular, herbal teas such as ginger, chamomile and peppermint have many health benefits. But it doesn't stop there, because did you know, for example, that tea is particularly good for reducing burns and sunburn? Or that tea makes a bleeding wound in the mouth stop bleeding? New? Don't worry, luckily you can read all that again in 6 healthy applications of tea.

7 Surprising uses of tea in and around the house

1. Tea as plant food
If you like green ferns, make sure to replace water with tea every now and then. For example, pour tea once a week or open a tea bag and stir the tea leaves under the soil. This gives the plant a little extra tea every time.

2. Tea to tenderize meat
Why spend money on a special mix to make your meat more tender when you can also use tea? You can cook or marinate the meat in tea. The tannins found in tea not only make the meat more tender, but also tastier.

3. Tea:handy means to clean the fireplace
If you have a fireplace, then tea is really a godsend. While cleaning a fireplace, it sometimes happens that the ashes fly around your ears. This can all be prevented with tea. To do this, sprinkle wet tea leaves over the ashes before cleaning. The tea leaves ensure that the ashes stay in place and you can clean without any problems.

4. Give white lace a vintage look with tea
Want to give your white side a vintage look? Then soak the lace in tea for a while. This gives the lace a beige, ecru or ivory color.

5. Remove old furniture wax with tea
Boil two tea bags in a quarter liter of water and let it cool completely. Take a soft cloth, dip it in the tea and wring it out. Remove dirt and old furniture wax with the tea, let it dry and polish the furniture. After this you can make the decision whether you want to freshen up the furniture with new furniture wax.

6. Give mirrors a streak-free shine
Do you also get annoyed with stripes on the mirrors? Then next time clean it with some tea. Make a strong cup of tea, let it cool and use the cooled tea to clean your mirror. Just rub with a soft, dry and clean cloth and you can enjoy a clean and above all streak-free shine.

7. Using tea in the garden
The latest surprising use of tea actually consists of three different ways of using tea in the garden:

  • Tea is a real party for your roses. Especially in the summer, when the roses are in full bloom, it is advisable to sprinkle your roses with tea every now and then. The tannic acid from the tea is indispensable nutrition for your roses
  • Do you have unsightly open spots in your garden where you are missing grass? Then take an old tea bag and wet it. Place this tea bag on the spot, sprinkle grass seed on it and make sure that the tea bag remains moist. This keeps the seeds in place and you can enjoy a beautiful looking lawn again in the foreseeable future.
  • Put a few used tea bags at the bottom of the plant pot. Put the soil on this and plant as usual. The tea bag not only retains moisture, but will also gradually release nutrients that the plant can absorb slowly.