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30 Baking Soda Tricks To Clean Everything Around The House.

30 Baking Soda Tricks To Clean Everything Around The House.

Classic household products all promise to work wonders when it comes to to clean the house.

In reality, there is only one natural product capable of giving you satisfaction .

It's called baking soda !

As versatile as it is economical, it easily replaces all your classic household products for even more efficiency.

Want to know how? Discover our 30 baking tips to clean everything in the house.

30 Baking Soda Tricks To Clean Everything Around The House.

1. Remove limescale from faucets

If, like me, you live in an area where the water is very calcareous, it is more than necessary to properly maintain your pipes.

And doing that is easy as long as you use a baking soda solution.

First moisten the faucet to be cleaned and pour a little baking soda on it.

Leave it to act for about thirty minutes and then wipe all the treated areas with a damp sponge.

Repeat the operation if the marks are a bit stubborn.

The abrasive properties of bicarbonate make it possible to remove all the limestone without damaging your taps.

Your pipes will get sparkling again and will stay that way if you apply this method periodically.

And it also works with this method.

Bonus tip:don't forget to apply this tip to the faucet aerators and the shower head.

In a glass of lukewarm water, pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda and immerse your utensils in it to clean themselves.

Discover the trick here with an alternative to white vinegar.

2. Reduce paint odors

Baking soda doesn't just clean:it also deodorizes!

And that comes in handy when it comes to getting rid of paint smells after a good DIY session.

Plus, it's super easy to make.

Place cups filled with baking soda around the room and leave to act for a whole day with the windows closed.

Note that the larger the room, the more cups will be needed.

At the end of the day, the smells are gone! You can go back into the room without holding your nose.

Check out the trick here.

3. Deodorize your closet

A musty smell is escaping from your closet as soon as you open the door and your clothes are impregnated with it?

Are you looking for an effective solution to get rid of these annoying scents other than by simple ventilation?

So use baking soda like this.

In a small container or in a small sachet, pour 1 spoonful of coarse salt with 1 spoonful of baking soda.

For a fragrant scent, you can add 1-2 drops of essential oils to your taste.

And now, your cupboards and your laundry smell good (change the bag as soon as it no longer spreads an odor).

And it also works with this method.

4. Make your sink shine

Our kitchen sinks are constantly attacked by multiple products and substances (grease, food, limestone, etc.).

It is therefore necessary to clean them well to restore their shine. To do this, apply this grandmother's trick.

Wet your sink and scrub it gently with a damp sponge sprinkled with baking soda.

Rinse everything with clean water and your sink finally regains all its splendour! It's easy, economical and completely ecological.

Check out the trick here. And it also works with faucets.

5. Whiten your tile joints

After a while, the tile joints inevitably get dirty.

They tarnish and lose their original color which gives a dirty effect.

Fortunately, there is a solution to restore them to their full glory.

Just dip an old toothbrush in a little elbow grease and baking soda.

Rub the joints with this solution and restore their original color! It's as simple as that.

Bonus tip:after applying the solution, let the baking soda sit on the joints for 1 hour.

Alternatively, use baking soda mixed with vinegar and water. The result is just as qualitative.

Check out the trick here.

6. Clean your armchair and sofa

Sofas or armchairs, especially when they are made of fabric, can give off bad odors after a while.

In addition to these fumes, mold may appear as well as allergens.

It is therefore necessary that you take regular care of your furniture to stop any proliferation of bacteria; and for that, nothing could be simpler.

Spread baking soda all over the armchair and/or sofa and let the product work for about 1h30.

Vacuum it to remove all the baking soda residue and you're done.

Your furniture once again gives off a good, clean, fresh scent.

But that's not all; if the fabrics of the sofa or armchair are stained, baking soda is also there to give you a boost.

To remove these stains, all you have to do is remove the fabric cover, wet the stained area a little and pass baking soda over it.

Leave for about 30 minutes and wash as usual.

You have given a second life to your armchairs and sofas.

Check out the trick here.

7. Clean your glasses

Fingerprints and other stains on the spectacle lenses are unbearable!

Are you looking for a totally effective solution to clean them? Use baking soda as follows.

In a glass, mix a spoonful of baking soda in 3 spoonfuls of water.

Dip a cotton cloth in it and gently dab the glasses with this compound.

Then put your glasses in lukewarm water and voila, your frames will be flawless again.

And it also works with dishwashing liquid.

8. Clean your bathtub

Taking a bath is a pleasure; but on condition that the bathtub is very clean!

Want to know what my trick is to make it sparkle and revive its original color?

I use my magic powder, baking soda!

This product helps eliminate the most encrusted stains while restoring a radiant whiteness.

In addition, the method is simple.

Wet your bathtub, sprinkle generously with baking soda and let sit for 30 min.

Then pass a damp sponge over the entire treated surface and rinse.

You just have to wipe with a soft cloth.

Be careful though, the end result is so perfect that you risk throwing away immediately all your classic household products.

And that won't be a bad thing, because they're expensive and unsavory for the planet...

And it also works with this method.

9. Bring back the shine to your jewelry

When you want to restore the shine to your jewelry, whether gold or silver, nothing better than using baking soda.

The abrasive properties of this product make it possible not to attack precious objects while ensuring super-efficient cleaning.

Want to know the method? Here it is.

For gold jewellery, sprinkle a pinch of baking soda on the object and gently clean with a microfiber cloth.

Pass the jewel under clear water and dry it well with a soft cloth.

For the most stubborn traces or for silver jewellery, apply the following procedure.

In a small container, pour 3 teaspoons of baking soda for 1 spoon of water.

Apply the paste thus created on the jewel, passing several times over the most complicated places to clean. Rinse with clean water and wipe with a soft cloth.

Do not hesitate to repeat this process if necessary.

Thanks to these 2 methods, your precious objects have recovered all their shine.

Discover the trick here (point N°01).

10. Make your own pre-wash stain remover

Stain removers used before washing are super practical.

They allow you to remove lipstick stains, traces of deodorant or other dirt from your clothes.

But did you know that you can make your own homemade stain removers instead of buying them in store?

It will cost you a lot less!

In a container, mix one part baking soda with one part water.

Apply the paste thus created on the area to be detached and leave for 1 hour.

Then put your laundry in the classic wash and find it completely detached!

Discover a variant with black soap.

30 Baking Soda Tricks To Clean Everything Around The House.

11. Clean the soleplate of your iron

Through use, the soles of the irons are soiled and blackened; this can therefore leave traces on your laundry.

Luckily, there is a way to clean it all up with baking soda.

Wet a cloth and pour baking soda powder on it.

Gently run this cloth over the warm soleplate of the iron and then wipe it with the other side of the damp cloth.

The advantage of bicarbonate is that it has mild abrasive properties allowing it to remove impurities very well without attacking your device.

So as soon as the first appearance of stains, apply this grandmother's recipe to keep your iron longer at lower maintenance costs.

Discover a variant with white vinegar.

12. Clean your copper objects

Do you know what verdigris is? This is the name given to the phenomenon of copper oxidation which has the effect of clogging and tarnishing this material.

Do you want to know how to clean it properly and restore its shine? Nothing could be simpler with this grandmother's method that is as effective as it is economical.

Wipe the object with a damp sponge soaked in baking soda then wipe it with a soft cloth.

We advise you to apply this method first on a small inconspicuous area to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Bicarbonate is formidable when it comes to deep cleaning your objects or your copper parts. In addition, it does it without attacking.

No more verdigris, your objects become completely nickel again.

And it also works with coke!

13. Deodorize your shoes

Bacteria, especially in winter, like to grow in damp and closed places.

The inside of your shoes is therefore a place conducive to their proliferation which generates the famous bad odors if you do not maintain them well.

But fortunately, solutions exist; just do this.

To eliminate bad odors and freshen up your shoes (even sports shoes)...

...Take them out into the open air to evaporate all the moisture, with the soles removed.

Then put the soles back in the shoe and sprinkle the inside with baking soda.

Leave overnight for maximum effectiveness.

The next day, remove the baking soda residue by shaking your shoes and you're done.

The bad odors are gone and you have sanitized your shoes.

Check out the trick here.

14. Clean your napkins

Are your napkins or tablecloths tarnished/stained and have lost all their luster?

To give a second life to all this, especially in terms of colors, use baking soda.

Put a tablespoon of baking soda directly into the drum of the machine with the cloths (scattering the product everywhere).

Then proceed with a classic wash cycle.

The properties of bicarbonate allow your laundry to be more effective and eliminate bad odors while reviving the original colors.

Check out the trick here.

15. Restore whiteness to your laundry

You want to make your laundry even cleaner ?

Apply this grandmother's trick as simple as it is effective.

Accompany the use of your classic detergent with a glass of baking soda.

This magic powder will in a way boost the cleanliness effect of your laundry and in addition restore its whiteness. Check out the trick here.

16. Clean brooms and mops

For a clean house, brooms, mops, shovels and buckets are essential tools that should be cleaned after each use.

Otherwise, you clean the house with dirty utensils!

To make your maintenance equipment nickel , so do this.

In a bucket of hot water, pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

A small chemical reaction will occur at this time, but don't panic, it's completely normal.

Immerse your various utensils (even the shovel) in the bucket and let stand for 1 to 2 hours.

All you have to do is remove them and rinse them with clean water (don't forget to dry the broom before its next use).

The abrasive properties of bicarbonate remove all impurities clinging to your utensils (hair, dust, gravel...) for a nickel result.

And our trick also works for sponges!

Check out the trick here.

17. Clean your rugs and carpets

A stain on your rug or carpet is present in the middle of the room?! Obviously, you want to make it disappear as soon as possible.

If you don't know how to do this type of dry cleaning, take a good look at the following.

First, vacuum the carpet so that it sucks up all the dust and dirt.

Then sprinkle the entire area with baking soda and let sit for 2 hours.

Take your vacuum cleaner and suck up the baking soda residue; your rug or carpet is then cleaned, disinfected and deodorized.

But the trick doesn't stop there.

If there are oil stains, grease stains or if your area rugs are just plain dirty, create a baking soda cleaning paste.

To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a container with a tablespoon of water.

Apply the paste thus created on the stained areas and let dry.

You just have to suck up the paste residues with the vacuum cleaner.

Miracle, the stains flew away. You have brought your carpet or rug back to life; the colors are revived and your fabrics are refreshed.

Check out the trick here.

18. Deodorize your mattress

To spend good peaceful nights in a cozy bed, it is not enough to replace the sheets.

Your mattress should also be refreshed and deodorized for your greater well-being.

And to get rid of stale, musty smells or even traces of pee left by children when they were little...

...Nothing better than using baking soda in the following way.

Sprinkle the magic powder all over the mattress and let it act for half a day.

Shake the mattress or vacuum the remains of powder and remake your bed with clean sheets.

The bad smells have disappeared; you sleep on a sanitized and deodorized mattress.

Check out the trick here.

19. Degrease your tiles

By dint of passages and/or dirt, our floors become greasy.

And if they leave under our feet an unpleasant slippery feeling, it's because it's time to act to degrease all that!

If your kitchen floors or other rooms are very greasy, we advise you to prepare a mixture of 200 g of baking soda with 1/2 liter of water.

Spread this solution on your floors, leave to stand for 1 hour then rinse with clear water slightly vinegared.

If your floors are just a little greasy, use a mixture of 1 glass of baking soda to 5 liters of hot water instead.

Wet your mop in this mixture and mop your floors as usual without rinsing.

Your tiles or other floor materials are then completely degreased for your greatest comfort.

Check out the trick here.

20. Brighten up your curtains

The curtains, especially when they are of light colours, have an unfortunate tendency to yellow; and that, it does not give a great effect!

So to revive their color, their whiteness or to make them shine again, so do this.

Remove your curtains, shake them well and immerse them for 2 hours in a large container of warm water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

All you have to do is put them in the washing machine on the classic wash cycle.

Your curtains have become super clean again.

Check out the trick here.

30 Baking Soda Tricks To Clean Everything Around The House.

21. Clean pencil marks

There is nothing to say; your children have a real artistic flair.

They put lots of colored pencil marks all over the fabrics of the house (tablecloth, curtains...) and on their clothes.

If you're wondering how you're going to clean it all up, worry no more. The solution is found and super effective.

In a container, mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda for a spoon of water.

Pass the paste thus formed on the areas stained by the pencil, leave to act for 30 minutes then rinse.

Put your garment in the washing machine as usual; all traces are gone!

Check out the trick here.

22. Clean your vacuum cleaner

You may not know it, but the inside of a vacuum cleaner cleans itself just like any other household appliance!

Indeed, a small sanitation cure is strongly recommended so that bad odors do not come up when the vacuum cleaner is in action.

Nothing could be simpler.

At least once a month, pour 3 tablespoons of baking soda on the floor and vacuum the powder before cleaning the rest of the floors.

This practice not only has a curative effect, but it also has a preventive effect by stopping the development of bad odors.

No more unpleasant smells that rise from the heat of the vacuum cleaner (dust / dirt).

The bicarbonate cleaning solution is much more effective than any other product.

Check out an alternative here.

23. Replace your chemical fabric softener

Your clothes are stiff to the touch and discolored visibly?

No problem, we give you the solution to revive their shine and especially their softness.

In the fabric softener compartment of your machine, put a glass of baking soda (about 200 g).

This trick not only allows your laundry to become silky again, but it also saves money since...

...You no longer need to buy classic fabric softeners!

Bonus tip:for delicate linens (silk, wool), do a small test first, as these textiles are fragile.

And it also works with white vinegar.

24. Clean your windows efficiently

We will all agree that cleaning your windows is not the most pleasant task to do.

It's quite tedious and above all you can never remove all the fingerprints and others.

Well with baking soda, no more hassle.

Thanks to its abrasive properties, baking soda eliminates grease, which greatly facilitates the cleaning of your windows.

The method is super simple. In a container, fill 1 liter of hot water and pour in 1 tablespoon of our magic powder.

Soak a cloth or soft cloth in the mixture and clean your windows with it.

Insist well on the dirtiest areas where the stains are the most encrusted.

Result:grease stains are dissolved and window panes become sparkling again.

And it also works with white vinegar.

25. Eliminate Musty Odors

A poorly ventilated dwelling or damp room and hop, it's immediately the appearance of a musty and musty smell.

And if you do nothing, these unpleasant odors become encrusted everywhere on the fabrics and the cushions of your chairs or your sofa.

To get rid of these bad smells, apply the following grandmother's trick.

Put your cushions and other fabric objects in a trunk or crate.

Sprinkle baking soda all over it, but also inside and outside the trunk.

Leave on for 1-2 days then remove the cushions and shake them out.

Also remove powder residue from the trunk by vacuuming it.

You have sanitized all your fabrics and above all you have removed musty and musty odors.

26. Remove cold tobacco odors

Tired of the smell of cold tobacco from your ashtray?

Know that there is a very simple solution to eliminate these indelicate scents that attack your sensitive nostrils.

First, remove all residue from the ashtray and sprinkle baking soda on the bottom.

Leave it for a few hours then wash it off with warm water.

This simple little process allows you to say goodbye to the smell of cold tobacco!

Bonus tip:As your ashtray fills up, sprinkle it with baking soda.

By doing so, you avoid the spread of new odors.

Check out the trick here.

27. Maintain your washing machine

The washing machine is one of the most essential household appliances in our daily lives. What would we do with dirty clothes without a washing machine!?

So take good care of him.

To do this, deodorize and clean it daily , in particular to remove scale deposits from the drum and pipes.

Its operation will be improved and its performance will always be optimal.

And to properly clean your washing machine and remove scale, baking soda is ideal.

You just have to put 4 tablespoons of this magic product directly in the drum of the machine and run an empty wash cycle.

Perform this operation once a month to increase the life of your appliance while taking care of your laundry.

Bonus tip:In order to contain the proliferation of bad odors, frequently add 2 tablespoons of baking soda directly to the drum.

Check out the trick here.

28. Clean plastic toys

Our children's toys are put to the test.

Because between the traces of saliva left by the youngest and the stains made by the oldest, toys become a real nest of bacteria.

And to clean them, no question of using chemicals; the good health of our toddlers depends on it.

Do you want to know how to effectively polish them with a non-aggressive product? So apply this trick.

In a container, pour 1 liter of hot water and 4 tablespoons of baking soda. Immerse all the toys to be cleaned in it and leave to act for 30 min.

For complete cleaning, clean the least accessible parts of the toy with a sponge.

Finally, know that the little one's favorite teddy can also pop into our magical mix.

It will just be necessary to rinse it well with clear water and to dry it before returning.

Check out the trick here.

29. Clean your fitness equipment

This may sound a little strange to you, but fitness equipment needs to be cleaned.

Because between the sweat marks and the grease stains that accumulate, these devices need a little daily cleaning treatment.

Not quite sure what to do? Follow the guide.

Take a large container or bucket.

Pour in 1 liter of hot water accompanied by a tablespoon of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of white vinegar.

Once this solution has been made, all you have to do is dip your sponge in it and clean your entire device, especially in the dirtiest areas.

To finish, polish everything with a soft cloth and your devices will be sparkling again.

A word of advice:before applying the solution presented, test the cleaning on a small area.

30. Clean your snowboards and skis

Are you a fervent fan of board sports?

Whether amateur or professional, one of the basic principles is to take good care of your equipment.

Want to know how?

Wet an old cloth and spread baking soda on it.

Pass this cloth all over your equipment, accentuating the passages on the most soiled areas.

All you have to do is wash your equipment with clean water and wipe it with a soft cloth.

This method is very effective, because the bicarbonate acts delicately without attacking the material.

Bonus:clean the beach toys

To have a successful day at sea, it is essential to equip yourself with our favorite playthings.

So off we went with our snowshoes, balls, buckets and shovels for a nice relaxing day.

On the other hand, once the end of the day has arrived, no one is there to clean them!

It is true that it is quite boring to wash, because they are filled with sand, salt and other dirt.

But with baking soda, no more problem.

In a large container, pour 1 liter of hot water along with 4 tablespoons of baking soda.

Immerse the beach toys in it and leave for 1 hour.

The abrasive properties of bicarbonate eliminate all residues naturally without attacking the equipment.

You thoroughly washed children's toys without using chemicals.

Bicarbonate cleans without being harmful to health even if inhaled.

30 Baking Soda Tricks To Clean Everything Around The House.

Your turn...

Have you tested our 30 baking soda tips to clean everything in your house? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!