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Take the stress out of housework with this awesome cleaning checklist!

Take the stress out of housework with this awesome cleaning checklist!

No one likes cleaning.

For most of us, we tend to procrastinate until the mess makes us want to scream.

We all know the aftermath:stress, frantic cleaning, a few swear words and sometimes even tears.

What if I told you that it is not necessary to go through this to have a nickel house?

All of this can be avoided with a bit of organization and above all with an effective checklist.

So here is the checklist to stop stressing and know your household chores to do every day, every week and every month:

Take the stress out of housework with this awesome cleaning checklist!

Want to print this checklist? Click here to easily print it in PDF.

1. Kitchen


- Sweep the floor

- Wipe the worktop

- Wipe the furniture

- Wipe the stove

- Empty the dishwasher

- Fill the dishwasher

- Clean up the mess

Every week:

- Dusting

- Vacuuming / mopping

- Wipe the furniture

- Wipe household appliances (outside)

- Clean the inside of the microwave

- Clean cupboard doors

- Clean the sink with a sponge


- Dust the moldings

- Remove cobwebs from the ceiling

- Dust blinds and curtains

- Clean the inside of the fridge

- Clean the inside of the oven

- Wash the inside of the bin

- Clean streaks on and around door handles

- Wipe the skirting boards

2. Living room


- Tidy up the sofa

- Pick up the mess lying around

- Remove crumbs with a sponge

- Store books and magazines

Every week:

- Dusting

- Mopping the floor

- Clean under the sofa and cushions

- Erase fingerprints on TV screen


- Vacuum under furniture

- Dust the moldings

- Remove cobwebs from ceilings

- Dust the ventilation grilles

- Wash blinds and curtains

- Clean streaks on and around door handles

- Disinfect switches

- Wipe the skirting boards

3. Bedroom


- Make the beds

- Fold and store clothes

- Store jewelry

- Tidy up what's lying around

Every week:

- Dusting

- Vacuum or mop

- Change the sheets

- Empty the bins


- Wipe the moldings

- Remove cobwebs

- Dust the ventilation grilles

- Wash blinds and curtains

- Clean traces on and around door handles

- Disinfect switches

- Wipe the skirting boards

4. Bathroom / laundry room


- Wash the surfaces

- Wash the sink

- Clean up the mess

Every week:

- Dusting

- Vacuuming / mopping

- Empty the bins

- Clean mirrors

- Clean cupboard doors

- Clean the bathtub / shower

- Clean the toilet

- Machine wash the bath mat


- Wipe the moldings

- Remove cobwebs from the ceiling

- Clean blinds and curtains

- Wash the inside of the bin

- Wipe the doors

- Disinfect switches

- Wipe the skirting boards

- Wash duvet and ears


There you go, with this cleaning checklist, you will be able to keep a clean house easily :-)

No more frenetic cleaning sessions that take hours!

It's much easier when you group household chores together.

At first, it may seem difficult to clean a little bit every day.

But I can assure you that it won't take you long to realize that spending a few minutes a day is better than spending your whole Saturday there!

Yes, cleaning a little every day helps keep the house tidy on a daily basis.

It's much easier and moreover, I don't panic when my mother shows up unexpectedly.