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The Awesome Trick To Make Your Slow Cooker Clean Itself.

The Awesome Trick To Make Your Slow Cooker Clean Itself.

After using a slow cooker, there is often a drip-shaped deposit ring that forms in it.

And to clean this deposit, it's a hassle!

Mine was in this state after my last meal, and impossible to clean it properly...

Fortunately, I discovered a genius trick so that my slow cooker cleans itself without having to scrub like crazy!

The trick is to soak it in a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar . Watch:

The Awesome Trick To Make Your Slow Cooker Clean Itself.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

How to

1. Fill your slow cooker with enough water to cover the dirt ring.

The Awesome Trick To Make Your Slow Cooker Clean Itself.

2. Add about 250 ml of white vinegar for a 6 liter cooker.

The Awesome Trick To Make Your Slow Cooker Clean Itself.

3. Slowly and gradually add 150 g of baking soda. Let the bubbles rise before adding more.

The Awesome Trick To Make Your Slow Cooker Clean Itself.

4. Turn your slow cooker to the lowest setting, cover, and set a timer for 4 hours or overnight.

5. When it's done, turn off the slow cooker. You will see the residuals floating like below:

The Awesome Trick To Make Your Slow Cooker Clean Itself.

6. Remove the lid and let cool for about 1 hour to avoid burning yourself.

7. Empty the mixture into the sink, add a little washing-up liquid and run the cooker under hot water, wiping the inside with a sponge.

8. Allow to air dry.


The Awesome Trick To Make Your Slow Cooker Clean Itself.

And There you go ! Now you know the trick to make your slow cooker clean itself :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Your slow cooker is effortlessly clean. It is like new and all traces have disappeared!

In addition, baking soda removes stubborn odors that become embedded in the coating of the pan.

For someone who uses their slow cooker almost every day, like me, this has changed my life!

Why does it work?

The Awesome Trick To Make Your Slow Cooker Clean Itself.

The baking soda has the power to deodorize the slow cooker without using chemicals and harmful products.

The baking soda + white vinegar mixture causes a reaction that loosens the impurities stuck to the sides of the pan.

And with the heat released, there is no trace left without having to rub.

If your slow cooker is smaller and only holds 3 liters, divide the quantities of white vinegar and baking soda by two.