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How to properly disinfect baby linen in 3 steps?

How to properly disinfect baby linen in 3 steps?

Washing baby clothes should not be taken lightly.

Babies have a knack for getting dirty and making big stains that are hard to remove.

Stains from pee, vomit, poo, food...

Wondering how to wash baby clothes so they are perfectly clean?

To avoid all sources of bacteria, there are simple, quick and economical methods for disinfecting our children's laundry.

Find out how to properly disinfect baby clothes in 3 steps:

How to properly disinfect baby linen in 3 steps?

1. Washing

I never wash my baby's clothes with family clothes.

In addition, I sort clothes and laundry beforehand depending on the washing temperature.

There are those that can be washed at 90°, 60° and those that will only support 30°.

Directly in the drum of the washing machine, I add a large handful of grated Marseille soap for better dilution.

This helps prevent deposits from getting stuck in my laundry.

To perfume my laundry, I add 3 drops of essential oil of lavender or eucalyptus to my Marseille soap, depending on my wishes.

The very essential oil of tea (tea tree) is very effective for the natural disinfection of laundry.

In fact, this is what parents generally use to disinfect cloth diapers.

And it's a great way to make homemade fabric sanitizer!

Using white vinegar for baby clothes is a good option.

No need to soak it in white vinegar.

Just put it in the washing machine. The dosage is as follows:

In the rinsing tank, I systematically pour between 1/2 glass and a glass of white vinegar.

Not only does vinegar descale my machine, but above all it is an effective antibacterial .

It's great for my laundry and an extra fabric softener to preserve the soft skin of our babies.

We will avoid bleach and classic fabric softeners...

There is nothing more irritating to the skin of our babies.

2. Drying

Better twice in the dryer than none at all.

I try to dry the laundry as soon as possible after the end of my machine.

The longer clothes stay clumpy and wet, the more bacteria are likely to grow.

And finally - I know you don't like to hear that word - IRONING.

It's the thing of our grandmothers.

Ironing is the mandatory final step to purify our laundry as much as possible and avoid leaving a little humidity.

Yes ironing is not pleasant. But be aware that heat can kill bacteria.

3. Storage

I don't yet have many solutions to guarantee as much as possible that my laundry stays clean and purified in my cupboards.

I still hung some sachets on it...

Not lavender!

But I chose dried eucalyptus leaves and lemon peel to purify the inside of my shelves.

I also avoid dust as much as possible.

Regularly, I pass my lightly vinegared microfiber sponge on the shelves of my cupboards.

And I wipe well with a clean cloth before putting my laundry back.

There you have it, how to disinfect baby clothes without Sanytol!

Don't forget an important step!

Even before the baby is born, it is recommended to wash your clothes with a mild detergent.

Choose a natural and allergen-free product to protect the fragile skin of newborns.

Your turn...

And you, how do you guarantee clean and pure laundry ? Come and share your advice in the comments with us. We can't wait to read you!