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How I Untie My Clothes With Milk.

How I Untie My Clothes With Milk.

A fruit or ink stain adorning your favorite sweater?

It can happen to adults, but children are the kings of fruit juice or ink stains.

No need to buy an expensive stain remover to get rid of it!

Against ink stains or fruit and fruit juice stains, I know a trick that comes to me from my grandmother.

So here's how to get rid of those nasty stains your toddlers leave on their clothes.

Just use milk to remove stains .

I now explain to you how I untie my clothes with milk. It's easy ! Watch:

How I Untie My Clothes With Milk.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus tip

How to

1. Heat some milk.

2. Soak the stained garment in lukewarm milk (but cold works too).

3. Wait for 1 hour or 2 .

4. Rinse.

5. Put it in the normal machine.


There you go, the stain has disappeared from your garment :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

Your garment is clean again.

Bonus tip

You don't have milk to remove the stain?

Instead of milk, you can also use white vinegar or water carbonated .

If you are looking for a trick to remove a blood stain, read this.