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How to decorate the baby room?

Decorating the baby's room:a matter of gender?

If it's a girl, the theme will be princess with a predominance of pink. If it's a boy, it'll be pirate, with too much blue! When it comes to decorating the baby's room, parents are often torn by the question of gender. Custom would have it that certain decorative elements be feminine or masculine. Still, blue is a soft color that could totally suit a little girl's room! Our advice would therefore be not to paint the bedroom with gender-marking colors. The ideal would be to choose pastel tones such as beige, pale orange or lime green, and to avoid tapestries with connotations (cars, dinosaurs, etc.). The advantage of these colors is also that you will not have to repaint the room, with the evolution of your child's tastes.

Decorating the baby's room:softness is essential!

When we know that an infant spends most of his days sleeping, we think of designing his room as a haven of peace. Thus, certain colors promote appeasement. This is the case with blue, and all light tones. It is better to favor these colors in the choice of your accessories. Have fun decorating the room anyway! The older your baby gets, the more his cravings will grow. This is the only age in her life when you can decorate her space to suit your taste.

Baby's room:when the location of the furniture favors his sleep

Feng shui, an age-old discipline, consists of arranging all the elements of the room in harmony. It aims to improve comfort and optimize the circulation of vital energy. If these principles are beneficial for adults, they are also beneficial for babies! Without applying all the complex precepts, you can draw inspiration from this philosophy in the decoration of the room, so that your child sleeps peacefully in the arms of Morpheus. So, think about the orientation of the bed, which should not be in a draft or near a noisy point. For example, if the baby's bedroom is next to the living room, don't place his bed on a common wall! In addition, cold colors are considered relaxing and are more suitable for a baby's room.