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Want to Have Beautiful Roses? Use a Banana Peel to Fertilize them.

Want to Have Beautiful Roses? Use a Banana Peel to Fertilize them.

Want to have beautiful roses at home?

No need to buy fertilizer to fertilize them.

Here is a natural fertilizer that your roses will love!

The secret is to use a banana peel.

To do this, simply bury it at the foot of the rosebush. It's simple and super effective. Watch:

How to

1. Take a banana peel.

2. Make a hole on the surface at the foot of the rosebush.

3. Place the banana peel in the hole.

4. Cover the hole with soil.


Want to Have Beautiful Roses? Use a Banana Peel to Fertilize them.

There you go, thanks to this banana peel, your roses will be beautiful and healthy in no time :-)

Easy and fast, right?

It's still more economical and natural than buying fertilizer.

Not to mention the fact that it reduces your waste at home.

Remember to repeat the operation once a month to keep roses in top shape.

Why does it work?

As banana peels decompose quickly, they release minerals into the soil that are essential for the growth of the rosebush.

In particular potassium, sulphur, calcium, magnesium, trace elements as well as certain phosphates.

All these nutrients will allow your roses to enjoy themselves and to be strong and vigorous.

Your turn...

Have you tried this easy trick to grow beautiful roses? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!