Butterflies are beautiful insects to watch!
Unfortunately, 3/4 of the species have seen their population drastically decrease...
How to reverse this phenomenon?
It's simple, just plant flowers on your terrace or in your garden that attract butterflies.
These flowers allow them to find the nectar on which they feed.
And do not be afraid of butterfly caterpillars, because they will not "nibble" other flowers that they do not like.
Here are the most beautiful flowers to attract butterflies to your garden . Watch:
It is also called "butterfly tree", it says a lot about its power to attract butterflies. This tree has large clusters of purple flowers that contain nectar that butterflies love. David's buddleia blooms from spring to late fall, beautifying your garden and serving as a little piece of paradise for a number of butterfly species.
Red valerian (centranthus ruber ) is an ornamental plant used in gardens for its very fragrant white, pink or fuchsia flowers. It is a plant that does not require much care, as it is content with poor, dry or calcareous soils. Its flowering is often early and continues until mid-summer. Butterflies are attracted to the smell of these very beautiful flowers.
It is a pretty decorative plant that grows in pots or in the ground. Buenos Aires verbena (verbena bonariensis ) has purple flowers on stiff, threadlike stems. Verbena blooms late in the season and is extremely rich in nectar for butterflies.
Sedum (hylotelephium spectabile ) is a "succulent" type plant with very green foliage and large dark pink flowers. These flowers, which bloom from May to October, contain luscious nectar for butterflies. These are melliferous flowers that do not require any special maintenance. Be careful, the red varieties tend to be less melliferous than the roses.
As well as being an evergreen shrub that makes a nice addition to the garden, speedwell attracts a range of insects, especially bees and butterflies. The flowers, in a range of pink to purple, emerge from May to October and are a feast for nectar-feeding insects.
Outdoors, wild marjoram (origanum vulgare ) is mostly grown as an annual, as it cannot withstand cold winters. Its delicate, pink flowers are a treat for butterflies and bees. In addition, the leaves can be eaten and are a perfect addition to dishes and salads.
In a garden, you can create a space for wild flowers, a bit like an English garden where the flowers grow as they want. Common knapweed (centaurea nigra ) is perfect for this. Its vibrant, purple flowers attract a variety of butterflies, including common blue and meadow brown.
Bone Bone (eupatorium cannabinum ), also called "agrimony", is robust. It grows in moist areas, including river banks, meadows or wet woods. Its pale pink flowers attract the admiral butterfly and other more common butterflies.
Like knapweed, field knautia (knautia arvensis ), or scabious, is a plant that will color your garden or the meadows in front of your home. Its flowers are purple and very popular with butterflies, especially the moth, but also with bees.
If the flowers are regularly removed, the Madeira wallflower (erysimum bicolor) blooms from spring to autumn and provides tasty nectar for butterflies throughout the beautiful season.