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How to Make a Mosquito Net?

How to Make a Mosquito Net?

Summer is great...

Except for the mosquitoes that bite us while we sleep.

Instead of cheering all night hoping to crush a mosquito in your hands, why not install a mosquito net?

Don't worry, it's easy. Here's how to make a mosquito net to be quiet.


How to Make a Mosquito Net?

What you need

- Plastic rails.

- Pretty organza sheer curtains according to your tastes.

How to

1. Attach the rails to the ceiling around your bed.

2. Hang the curtains on the rails.


There you go, you have made your homemade mosquito net :-)

Simple, easy and effective, right?

You will sleep in a mosquito-free princess bed. Sweet dreams...

Your nights will be sweeter. And then, didn't you dream of sleeping in a pretty four-poster bed? It's almost done!

Savings achieved

How to fight mosquitoes ? I tried everything:the spray to put on the skin, the citronella candles, the insecticides that suffocate me...

Nothing to do, they are everywhere.

The advantage of mosquito nets , is that they really make a dam physical against mosquitoes, then it is obvious that they will not pass.

And then it will be much cheaper than buying lots of products to asphyxiate them and us too at the same time.

The mosquito net is a long-lasting benefit, so you make big savings over the long term.

Your turn...

Have you tried this effective trick to fight against mosquitoes? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!