The grass stains...i think with the stains red fruits and blood, these are the most dreaded stains of mothers.
I'm not right?
There are several tricks. Maybe you sometimes use a potato? Here are 2 other little tips that I'm happy to share with you to remove those stubborn grass stains from clothing.
I recently gave you some little tips and tricks about milk. Well know that it can also help you eliminate those nasty green spots.
Rub the place stained with a little milk. Let stand a little, then put the garment in the washing machine as usual.
Here's another trick I use sometimes that works quite well:soak dishwashing liquid stain. Leave it to work at least 24 hours, then machine wash.
A word of advice:choose a dishwashing liquid that is as transparent as possible .
Here is ! That's it. Have you tried and want to give us your impressions? Comments are yours!