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How do I remove stubborn stains from clothing?

How do I remove stubborn stains from clothing?

You are desperate for the stubborn stains that accumulate on some of your clothes ? However, there is a very simple way to make them go away without "killing yourself on the job"!...

Believe me, with a cook husband, I saw stains of grease, tomato sauce, strawberries, and so on, that absolutely must be removed!

After passing cans of detergents and other miracle products on his aprons and kitchen jackets, I was advised a very simple trick.

How to

All you need to do is pour a few drops of detergent directly onto the stain.

You rub a little to impregnate the fabric well and let it sit overnight.

You then put your laundry in the machine, and off you go for a classic laundry.

And there, it's crazy, all the spots (at least those that were entitled to this shock treatment!) disappear!

If you are green, you probably know the land of sommières which has a great stain-removing and degreasing power.

Used dry, it absorbs and neutralizes all kinds of stains. A 400g pack will cost you 5.60 euros, an investment you won't regret!

And you, what method do you use to unfasten your clothes? Tell us about it in the comments.

Savings Achieved

Forget the miracle products that are overpriced in stores! Since I discovered this trick, I've saved about 10 euros on laundry detergent and stain removers per month... It's still not nothing.

Imagine, over an entire year, it's a hundred euros that stays in my pocket!