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How to Refresh Pot-Pourri So It's No Longer Rotten?

How to Refresh Pot-Pourri So It s No Longer Rotten?

You have some nice potpourri in your house.

But they quickly gather dust...

Obviously the new magic duster acquired overpriced on the Internet will have no effect...

I give you 2 solutions, which cost nothing!

With just a little water and steam, you can work miracles!

All that remains is to relaunch their good smell, and they will be like new for a few weeks! Watch:

How to Refresh Pot-Pourri So It s No Longer Rotten?

How to

1. Seal the flower petals in a plastic bag. Then pierce the bag in several places and shake it gently over the trash can. It looks silly like that, but it works! It already removes a lot of dust.

2. If the potpourri is really flimsy, or if the first method didn't remove everything or you don't like (yes it doesn't totally "clean up", I'll admit!), here's another one:drop your petals in a colander and at the same time put some water to boil.

Then when it boils, place the colander over the pan (be careful not to dip it in!).

Shake it gently again. The dust will go away, and the water vapour will also refresh the petals.

Nothing sadder than seeing our pretty potpourri become gray, dusty, and no longer smell the scent they had when we bought them.

Of course, remember to properly clean the container in which you place your petals.

To make it look like new again, and smell like new, the final touch is to put a few drops of essential oil back on the potpourri .


There you go, you have found a beautiful brand new potpourri :-)

It's still prettier and more pleasant, isn't it?

And in addition, you save money by not buying a new potpourri!

Bonus tip

To save money, you can replace the essential oils with aromatic plants (lavender or thyme work well) or add fresh flower petals to the dried petals (be careful to replace them from time to time).

Your turn...

Have you tried this money-saving trick to freshen up your potpourri? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!