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Nail Polish Stains on the Carpet? My solution to remove it in 5 minutes.

Nail Polish Stains on the Carpet? My solution to remove it in 5 minutes.

Did you just spill nail polish on your carpet? We have a solution to allow you to remove it in less than 5 minutes. Go !

When I put on nail polish, I'm always very careful not to get it everywhere, a stain on the carpet can happen so quickly!

If by misfortune, I happen to spill some on my superb red carpet, I act immediately to prevent the stain from becoming permanently encrusted!

But be careful,I don't rub the stain because it could spread and that would really be a disaster.

Instead, I use a cloth soaked in acetone with which I gently dab the stained place always without rubbing.

I do not hesitate to renew the operation as many times as necessary so that the stain disappears completely then I let it dry .

After 5 short minutes , I see that the nail polish has vanished miraculously, I'm really reassured.

Have you ever tried this trick to remove a nail polish stain? If you know of another that works just as well, leave us a comment!


A 600ml Vanish brand carpet stain remover sold in stores costs an average of €5.

On the other hand, a bottle of acetone of 473 ml costs only €0.79 and I can use it to get rid of stains from ink, nail polish or chewing gum.

I save so €4.21 being certain of succeeding in quickly removing the stain of nail polish from my carpet.