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15 Grandma's Tricks To Remove ALL Stains From Your Clothes.

15 Grandma s Tricks To Remove ALL Stains From Your Clothes.

Did you stain your clothes again?

Don't worry... You're not the only one, it happens to me all the time too!

Stains of rust, shrimp, turmeric, betadine...

Some traces are particularly stubborn. And we don't always know how to overcome it.

To make your life easier, we have selected the best grandmother's tricks to get rid of them easily.

In any case, to remove a stubborn stain from fabric, know that your best weapon is to act quickly.

Here are 15 grandma's tips for removing all kinds of stains from your clothes. Watch:

15 Grandma s Tricks To Remove ALL Stains From Your Clothes.


Here is a grandmother's remedy to clean a blood stain. Above all, do not put water directly on the blood stain (and even less hot water). It would only fix it.

Solution #1 :Sprinkle the stain with coarse salt and pour a few drops of warm water to stimulate the action of the salt. Leave on for at least 2 hours for the salt to absorb the blood. Rinse in cold water and machine wash.

Solution #2 :Another method is to melt an aspirin tablet on the stain with a little cold water. Leave to act, rub and machine wash.

Perspiration stains

Solution #1 :To remove a stain that does not leave, mix in a bowl, water and two tablespoons of baking soda. Soak the stained garment for several hours in it. Rinse and put in the washing machine.

Solution #2 :Another method is to dab the stain with vinegar water.

Red wine stains

15 Grandma s Tricks To Remove ALL Stains From Your Clothes.

Solution #1 :Absorb excess wine with paper towel. Then sprinkle the stain with coarse salt. Leave on for 20 minutes then remove the salt. Soap the stain with Marseille soap, rinse with cold water and machine wash.

Solution #2 :You can also use soil from Sommières. Sprinkle the stain and leave to act for about 3 hours. Remove the Sommières powder with a brush and machine wash.

Solution #3 :Soak the stain in boiling milk and leave to act. Rinse and machine wash.

Solution #4 :You can also dab the stain with a little white wine. Its acidity will overcome the stain. Rinse and machine wash quickly.

Bold stains

15 Grandma s Tricks To Remove ALL Stains From Your Clothes.

Solution #1 :Absorb excess fat with paper towel. Then, sprinkle with soil from Sommières. Leave to act for several hours and remove the Sommières earth with a brush. Machine wash.

Solution #2 :Crush white chalk. Sprinkle the stain with chalk. Scrub with a brush. Rinse and machine wash.

Solution #3 :Rub the stain with cornstarch. Leave to act for about 1 hour. Brush out and machine wash.

Solution #4 :Actively rub the stain with a dry Marseille soap. Brush the stain then rinse and wash quickly.

Chewing gum stains

15 Grandma s Tricks To Remove ALL Stains From Your Clothes.

Place your garment in the freezer. Once frozen, you can remove the chewing gum more easily with a blunt knife or spatula.

It also works by rubbing the stain with an ice cube directly on it. In both cases, the chewing gum will have hardened thanks to the cold and will be much easier to remove.

Coffee stains

Solution #1: Mix equal parts white vinegar and cold water. Rub the stain then rinse. Go in the washing machine.

Solution #2: In a basin, mix cold water and salt. Soak your clothes in it for an hour. Soap with Marseille soap, then machine wash.

Tea Stains

A tea stain on your polo shirt, shirt or white sweater? Grab a lemon, and put a few drops on the stained area. Leave on for a good hour, then rinse and put in the washing machine.

Grass stains

15 Grandma s Tricks To Remove ALL Stains From Your Clothes.

Solution #1 :Put a good dab of toothpaste on the stain and rub with an old toothbrush. Machine wash as soon as possible.

Solution #2 :Soak the stained area in white vinegar for 30 minutes. Rinse and machine wash.

Solution #3 :Rub the stain with 90° alcohol and machine wash.

Ballpoint pen and marker stains

Solution #1 :Soak a clean cloth with 90° alcohol. Then rub the ink or marker stain with the cloth. Rinse and wash.

Solution #2 :Spray hairspray directly on the stain. Let dry then rinse everything with vinegar water by rubbing.

Solution #3 :Mix fine salt with a little lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the stain. Leave on for 1 hour then wash normally.

Cherry stains

Soak the stained area in milk for 2 hours. Then, rub the stain with soapy water and wash normally.

You can also try this grandma's trick to remove fig milk stains.

Lipstick stains

Rub the stain with Marseille soap. Rinse and wash.

Ink stains

15 Grandma s Tricks To Remove ALL Stains From Your Clothes.

Heat some milk. Dampen a clean cloth or sponge and rub the stain with it. Rinse and wash to remove the stain.

Foundation stains

Solution #1 :Soak a cotton ball with 90° alcohol and rub the stain with it.

Solution #2 :Rub the stain with make-up remover. If the brown stain is not gone, rub with Marseille soap. Rinse and machine wash.

Beet Stains

Pour white vinegar directly on the stain and let it act. Scrub, rinse and machine wash. Check out the trick here.

Oil stains

No need for anti-stain product for your garment! Simply peel a clove of garlic. Rub the stain with the garlic then apply Marseille soap to the stain. Machine wash as usual.

There you go, now you know how to unfasten a black, white or colored piece of clothing or clothing.

You see, with these grandma's recipes, cleaning stains isn't so difficult after all.

Your turn...

Have you tried these grandma's tricks to remove stains? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!