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Reduce Your Heating Consumption with a Simple Hot Water Bottle.

Reduce Your Heating Consumption with a Simple Hot Water Bottle.

Winter heating consumption can quickly become a nightmare if you are not careful...

Stop desperately trying to heat up your room by turning the heat on high!

There is a simple trick that our grandmothers used to keep warm without breaking the bank.

All you need is a hot water bottle to heat you locally in bed.

Reduce Your Heating Consumption with a Simple Hot Water Bottle.

How to

1. Quickly pass the hot water bottle either in the microwave or in the oven or simply fill it with hot water, depending on the model.

2. Put it in your bed at bedtime.


There you go, you're warm without increasing your heating bill :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

The hot water bottle will then diffuse a gentle heat and enveloping for hours.

And you don't even need heating!

However, avoid direct contact with your skin to avoid burning yourself.

Use it at night, for example, instead of turning up the temperature of your radiator.

You need to be warm, but the rest of the house doesn't need to be heated.

Wondering why use a hot water bottle?

To save on heating during the long winter nights, the hot water bottle is a very practical and comfortable thing that requires minimal investment.

In addition, it's really a simple and effective trick that is coming back into fashion.

Its warmth is very pleasant and relaxing.

You can find a dry hot water bottle or a hot water bottle that heats up in the microwave in many shops (Gifi, supermarkets...).

If you don't have a hot water bottle, we recommend this one, which is reasonably priced and has many very positive reviews.

Your turn...

You tried this grandma trick to save heating? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!