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Reduce your Fuel Consumption.

Reduce your Fuel Consumption.

Reducing fuel consumption:it is possible by using easy tips and free, such as knowing where we are going and how we are getting there. Demonstration.

Being able to anticipate difficulties on the road is already putting yourself in a position to solve a good part of them.

If you need to travel from one district to another within the same city, it pays to be smart and think ahead about the route to avoid areas where you may encounter traffic jams .

But another trick is to also choose a less congested area as your base where it's easier to park:this will allow you to spend less gas overall.

If you take the road and your journey is longer, a simple tip:look ahead to your route, and mark it as precisely as possible. For example by choosing which cities you will pass through.

Another trick to reduce your unleaded or diesel consumption:get a GPS, which will automatically tell you the shortest route.

Otherwise, take at least a plan or a map so that you don't have to go in circles:getting straight to the point is often an overlooked opportunity to be able to reduce your gas consumption without getting upset.

Look at yourself driving more relaxed in these new conditions and compare with your previous impromptu trips:you're not better now anyway?

Reduce your Fuel Consumption.


With these simple tips you will be able to reduce your fuel consumption on all your journeys:and at the end of the year, the addition of the savings made is considerable.

You'll be glad you just took a few moments before you set off to study your route when you see how many liters of gas you haven't burned.

The institutes show that the saving possible by the simple fact of not going around in circles to find your way or a parking space can be up to 5% of your fuel expenditure:several hundred euros.

And if you combine this precaution with other eco-driving tips to drive better, you save even more!