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30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

Looking for gardening tips?

For example, when is the best time to water the plants?

And how do you get rid of those pesky weeds?

Luckily, we've gathered the best gardening tips for you, tested and approved by the professionals!

Whether you are an amateur or an experienced gardener, it doesn't matter!

Here are 30 gardening secrets to make your life easier. Watch:

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

1. Water your garden generously once or twice a week.
If you water often but with little water, the water will not penetrate the soil to the roots.

2. And water late at night or early in the morning.
Avoid watering your plants during the hottest part of the day, unless you want to see their leaves burn in the sun...

3. If you must transport plants, do it after a rain.
The moist soil will thus prevent the roots from breaking.

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

4. "Isolate" your home with shrubs and bushes.
By planting strategically along your facade, you will create a natural barrier against the wind... and save a lot of money on your heating bills.

5. Do not mow your lawn close.
If you mow your lawn closer than 5 cm, it will damage the roots, which makes the grass less green and less resistant to weeds.

6. Before planting your flowers, think about their exposure to the sun.
For good growth, most plants need 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Or, take care to plant flowers that grow in the shade like these.

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

7. Prune lilac, magnolia and spring trees after flowering, as soon as the flowers have faded.
If you wait too long, you'll prevent your trees from growing new growth (and beautiful flowers) the following spring.

8. Keep aromatic herbs away from your other types of plants.
Mint, particularly invasive, slows down the growth of other plants. Click here to see more herbal mistakes to avoid.

9. Regularly remove the lower leaves of your vegetable plants.
This will protect them from mildew and other fungal diseases.

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

10. Stake your large perennials (such as peonies and hollyhocks) as soon as they are planted.
It is much more difficult to stake a plant with a tall stem once it has started to grow.

11. A quick reminder about perennials:they need three years to reach their adult size.
This means that you will have to be patient before fully enjoying their beautiful flowers.

12. Systematically prune the flowers wilted of your flowering plants.
Removing faded flowers is a good move to prolong flowering of your plants.

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

13. Enrich your soil by adding some compost.
Manure and nettle manure are also excellent fertilizers.

14. In spring, plant your plants on cloudy days.
Plants take much better when the soil is cool.

15. Use vegetable cooking water to water your plants.
Nothing like cooking water for vegetable nutrition! Click here to discover the trick.

16. A terracotta flowerpot broke? Put the pieces around your plants.
To prevent pests from destroying your precious geraniums, place pieces of terracotta around the base, as below:

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

17. And use stones to make a beautiful garden border.
Practical, because a stone border also helps prevent weed infestations.

18. Put a layer of gravel at the bottom of your flower pots.
Good drainage with gravel or clay pebbles is the key to success.

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

19. Plant aromatic herbs to attract butterflies.
Example of plants that butterflies love:lavender, thyme, rosemary, verbena, mint, fennel, sage...

20. And also consider planting evergreen shrubs, such as boxwood and heather.
Why ? Because I'm sure you also want to admire your garden in winter, don't you?

21. The holes for planting the bulbs should be two to three times the height of the bulb.
Yes, bulbs need space to grow well!

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

22. Always wear gloves when gardening.
Your beautiful roses will be powerless against your well-protected hands.

23. Rub your nails against a piece of soap.
This is the trick to know to avoid having black nails because of the earth. Indeed, the layer of soap will prevent the earth from slipping under your nails. Check out the trick here.

24. Check the weather carefully before planting.
Watch out for the last spring frosts! Remember to check the frost periods in your area.

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

25. Add a tiny bit of fertilizer to the water when you water the young plants.
It is the same as giving breast milk to a child.

26. Plant marigolds along your borders to keep pests away.
Gnats, mosquitoes and other pests hate marigolds. Discover other plants that hunt insects here.

27. Also plant perennials such as irises and hyacinths in your garden.
Yes, they are a little more invasive than annuals... But in the long run, perennials require less effort and less time, as they regrow from the same root system after each winter.

30 Gardening Secrets To Simplify Your Life.

28. Use a homemade weed killer that weeds hate.
To overcome weeds, you will need reinforcements! Click here for the homemade weed killer recipe.

29. Even better:use mulch to permanently smother weeds.
Mulching works like a charm!

30. Scatter wood chips in places in the garden where nothing grows.
It is a good solution for places in the garden where nothing grows, such as under tall trees.

There you go, now you know the 30 best gardening hacks :-) Hip hip hip... Hooray!

Your turn...

Have you tried these 30 grandma's gardening tips and tricks? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!