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A Tip to Save Gas Really Easily.

A Tip to Save Gas Really Easily.

There are tons of easy ways to save gas. Discover here an obvious trick that we tend to forget!

With the arrival of fine weather, you may be tempted to take your car for a trip to the seaside or to the countryside.

Just know that in addition to saving gas by adopting a calm and relaxed driving style, you can achieve small savings depending on where you park your car.

In fact, by parking your car in the shade, you keep it cool and prevent the fuel from evaporating under the effect of the heat.

By leaving it regularly for a whole day, this can thus represent an additional cost that we tend to forget!


In order to reduce our fuel consumption, we think more often of reducing our speed on the highway or adopting eco-driving in general.

It is true that we will save considerably over a long period, but we must not forget to adopt certain practices that are both very simple and effective over the long term.

Parking your car in the shade is one of them and will allow you not to waste fuel unnecessarily when you enjoy your sunny day! This saving can amount to several tens of euros at the end of the year, which is not negligible.