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Save Fuel With This Price Comparator!

Save Fuel With This Price Comparator!

Think gas is too expensive?

You want to make savings on the gas budget ?

With our trick, you will be sure to always have the lowest price.

Gas prices are soaring, but wages are not keeping up.

So to save fuel you have to be cunning...

I found a site to compare the different gas stations near me.

Not stupid, but above all very practical!

This allows us to make a comparison impartial between the different stations near our home.

The fuel price site of the Ministry of the Economy offers us a comparator .

This is a simple and practical trick to find the cheapest gas station near us.

Save Fuel With This Price Comparator!

How to

1. Visit the Fuel Prices website.

2. Choose the fuel that you use (petrol, super, diesel, etc.).

3. Choose the department that concerns you. You can also directly enter the name or postal code of the town you are interested in.

4. Choose the type of sign you want (big box, independent or major).

5. Click on the button "See the list of stations".


There you go, now you know the price of fuel at each gas station :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

You can compare fuel prices at each gas station...

And above all choose the cheapest!

Easy to save gas, right?

With gas prices rising, it's worth taking the time to look at where gas is the cheapest.

It saves a lot of money every day. Especially when you have to use your car every day!

Of course, you can also save fuel by simply consuming less.

For example, you can drive slower and by adapting your speed.

So ready to adopt eco-driving to spend less on gas?

To stop banking, just click!

With the price comparison of this tip, I noticed the sometimes mind-blowing differences that exist between different stations.

Did you know that in Paris the price ranges referenced for unleaded 95 fluctuate between €1,220 and €1,690?

I don't know about you...

But I stopped giving my money to these stations which take a nice margin on our backs!

On a 40-litre tank, there is a difference of around twenty euros.

To save money, think before you spend.

Savings achieved

If we think about choosing to go to the cheapest pump near me...

At the rate of a full 40 liters per week at 1€220 against 1€690, I save 18€80 per week.

Small additional calculation, for one year... It's 977€60! Not negligible, no?

I'm sure you won't be able to do without it!

Your turn...

You tried this trick to save gas ? So, if you have any questions or comments to make, don't hesitate. Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!