Looking for an economical way to water your garden?
That's good! Because today I wanted to share with you a solar drip irrigation tip that can save your water.
Plus, you can recycle your plastic bottles. I discovered this trick on a Spanish blog.
Simple and inexpensive technique, it is changing the face and especially the effectiveness of traditional watering.
This solar drip is also known by the somewhat barbaric name of "Kondenskompressor" designating a watering technique that reduces the amount of water used by ten!
Indeed, during conventional watering, a large part of your watering is lost by evaporation or runoff. Thanks to this system, nothing is lost.
Even better, you can even use brackish water or seawater.
The concept is simple:put a 1.5 liter plastic bottle of water at the foot of each plant. recycled, cut in half and filled with water (water that you could have recovered before for more savings).
Place on top of it a bottle of 5 liters (I find mine at the supermarket), also cut in half. We keep the cap. Everything will work like a greenhouse.
The water evaporating in the sun will run down the walls of the big bottle and gradually moisten the ground, which will have been covered beforehand with straw, thus preventing any loss. We reproduce the water cycle on a small scale.
This system has the enormous advantage of limiting water waste and dividing by ten the amount needed for regular watering.
This watering technique is obviously not suitable for intensive agriculture or for watering large areas, but is suitable for small gardens and vegetable patches.
Very popular in hot, even desert regions, this trick can become your new ally to save your water and water your garden better.
And this, even if you live in a region where the climate is not desert. A bit of sunshine is enough to evaporate the water and thus start our solar sprinkler!
According to our Spanish friends, you will use 1 liter to 1.5 liters of water per plant , and this, for 7 weeks! Yes, you read that right!
I see myself watering my vegetable garden every evening and pouring liters and liters of water into it... So, it's decided, I'm trying this new watering technique!
For me the holidays without stress, without having to disturb the neighbor to come and water for me... Unfortunately, I will be back well before the end of the 7 weeks!
Some help ? Here is a video tutorial that should speak for itself. You will find that it also works very well with sea water.
Yes, the evaporating water will run down the bottle, filtering the salt like rainwater from the evaporation of the oceans.
If you read Spanish, do not hesitate to take a look at the specialized blog from which the photos illustrating this article come or on this dedicated page, a real mine of information.
And if you prefer French, here is the link to the translated site of Sitiosolar, or that of ecolopop which relayed this innovative information.