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This is how you save energy!

You can save a lot on energy at home. With a number of handy tips you can quickly live more sustainably and save money on energy bills. Not only do you contribute to a sustainable future, but you can also save considerable amounts on energy bills. Save energy? That's how you do it.

1. The smart consumer
A smart consumer keeps a close eye on suppliers and prices. It can be easy to stay with the same provider for years, but switching can bring many benefits. Is your contract coming to an end? Then take the time to look online for the energy provider with the best rates.

2. Lighting
Significant savings can also be made on lighting. For example, you can start by replacing all the lamps in the house with LED lamps. An LED lamp lasts up to 30 years and can save you tens of euros per month. LED lighting works a lot more concentrated, so that less energy is lost. A sustainable, energy-saving option with little time to spare.

3. Insulation
A well-insulated home uses a lot less energy. This way you can easily stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Start by sealing cracks and draft holes. A small job that can save you a lot of money on your bill. To get it right, you should also have the insulation of the house taken care of. A one-time investment that is guaranteed to pay off in the long run.

This is how you save energy!

4. Household appliances
Many households in the Netherlands still use outdated equipment and white goods. That 5-year-old refrigerator can certainly still work well, but whether it is also energy-efficient is still open to question. Outdated equipment often consumes more energy than necessary. By replacing the white goods and equipment in your home with a new, energy-efficient variant, you can save considerably on costs.

5. White goods
There are also less intrusive ways to use less energy with your white goods. For example, you can save a lot of energy by washing with cold water. Avoiding dryers and dishwashers also saves a lot of energy. Do you just want to use certain white goods? Then wait until you have a full machine. This applies to the washing machine and dryer as well as the dishwasher. This way you can optimally use the required energy and prevent waste.