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A Free Eco-Driving Training by Following our Advice.

A Free Eco-Driving Training by Following our Advice.

We can't drive like we used to:follow our advice and get trained in eco-driving, you'll only be better off... and your car too!

Foot to the floor, engine screaming, you shift gears as if you were Steve McQueen... but all this wears out your car prematurely and makes you take risks.

And above all, in most cases you don't save that much time!

Driving calmly for the first kilometer gives you a good start in eco-driving. This way you avoid starting your car cold, which is the worst for the engine.

Another eco-driving tip:throughout your journey, remember not to push the engine too hard before changing gear. By shifting gears early enough, you will significantly lower your fuel consumption.

If you have a diesel, this eco-driving tip is also applicable:put yourself in position "D" and release the accelerator when your tachometer needle approaches 2500.


The more you push a cold engine, the more it weakens, whereas the opposite should be done to be able to keep it as long as possible.

Who wants to change their car every month?

Not you in any case, and it is because you have understood this that you intend to adopt eco-driving by following our free training advice.

You have also learned that adopting eco-driving means better controlling your fuel consumption.

And you know very well that by consuming less gasoline, we obtain very nice sums when we look at what we have saved over a whole year!